Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 30, 1995                   TAG: 9503300072
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Vinton and Roanoke County will work together to develop the 100-acre former McDonald farm, one of the largest undeveloped tracts left in the county.

Marketing the parcel could help attract business to east Roanoke County and help Vinton's coffers. It would eliminate another chunk of farmland in the Roanoke Valley, though.

The farm, which Vinton bought in the mid-1980s, sits on Hardy Road in the county, so both jurisdictions would benefit by its development.

``We just don't have that much good land left in Roanoke County,'' Supervisor Lee Eddy said.

County supervisors and Town Council members discussed the project in a joint meeting Wednesday. Supervisors decided last fall to meet with all jurisdictions in the valley to improve relations. Vinton council members, who have been studying privately whether to annex part of Roanoke County, were the last to lunch with the supervisors.

Vinton Mayor Charles Hill suggested that the town manager and county administrator work together on plans for the farm. It is zoned R-1 residential and is leased to a farmer to graze cattle.

Working with the town to develop the farm was one proposal by the county to help Vinton expand its revenue base without annexation. Details of the farm plan weren't discussed Wednesday, but could include the county's providing infrastructure for the development or sharing the tax revenue with Vinton.

``Obviously, with that much land, some good things can happen,'' said Fuzzy Minnix, chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

The land is next to a large residential subdivision, so whatever is done with the land must be compatible with the neighborhood, Supervisor Harry Nickens said.

Originally, the plan was for the farm to be connected with Explore Park, when the concept for the park was much grander. A hotel-restaurant complex for tourists was envisioned there. With a more modest Explore the reality, those plans have been scrapped.

County Administrator Elmer Hodge and Town Manager Clay Goodman said after the meeting that something like a ``very nice business park'' would be considered; industrial development would not. Goodman said the town has applied for a grant to plant trees around the farm.

At the meeting, supervisors also offered to have the county planning staff assist Vinton with ideas for its downtown.

 by CNB