Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 30, 1995                   TAG: 9503310009
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


A partially restored office and retail building on the Roanoke City Market was sold at public auction Wednesday for $162,750.

The buyer was Martin Hellkamp of Roanoke, who could not be reached to determine his plans for use of the property. It is at the southwest corner of Campbell Avenue and Williamson Road. Previously, Hellkamp converted an old mansion on Welton Avenue Southwest into an apartment complex.

About 14 bidders vied for the downtown property, which was partially renovated by John Voit after he purchased it two years ago. He painted the exterior and performed basic interior work such as upgrading the electrical system and constructing a fire stairwell.

Voit had said he could not put together a deal for occupancy of the building.

The last occupant was Grand Exchange, a discount division of Grand Piano and Furniture Co. of Roanoke County. City records show the structure was built in 1910.

The price paid at Wednesday's action was $750 above the city's assessment on the property. Voit said it had been appraised two years ago at $190,000. The three-story building contains 13,500 square feet.

The auctioneer was Quinn Thomas of Woltz & Associates, who said he believed this was the first auction of a major building in the Roanoke City Market area.

 by CNB