Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 11, 1995                   TAG: 9504110134
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Beyers have brand-new daughter

ALEXANDRIA - Megan Beyer, wife of Lt. Gov. Don Beyer, gave birth to a 7-pound, 5-ounce girl Monday night at Alexandria Hospital.

Grace Sternoff Beyer, the couple's second child, was born shortly after 9 p.m. Mother and child were doing fine, said Beyer spokesman Sam Adams.

The Beyers' other child, Clara, 3, shares the same birthday as Grace.

Beyer has a son, Don, 19, and a daughter, Stephanie, 14, from a previous marriage.

- Associated Press

No suspects yet in teen's slaying

HOPEWELL - Police had no suspects Monday in the shooting death of a high school freshman killed early Sunday.

Henry Morse, 17, was found shot and dying at 1:22 a.m., according to Hopewell police. Residents said they heard numerous gunshots before they saw his body lying in a yard.

People have been questioned, but authorities don't have a suspect or a motive, according to police Lt. M.D. Ellis. The body was sent to the state medical examiner's office to determine the cause of death, he said.

Family members said Morse was at a party with friends who left without him. When they realized he was missing, they returned and found him shot.

Morse had many friends at Hopewell High School, family members and others said. ``It's very quiet here,'' high school Principal Gayle Keith said Monday morning. ``Most of the kids who knew him well elected to stay home today.''

- Associated Press

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