Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 11, 1995                   TAG: 9504120015
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Here is a list of new Western Virginia corporations and the names of their registered agents filed March 17-23 with the Virginia Corporation Commission and reported by the agency last week.

Akridge Insurance Services Inc., Benjamin R. Gardner, Martinsville

AM & AJ Corp., Anthony M. Reed, Roanoke

Ashley Telecom Inc., C. Jeffrey Stump, Christiansburg

Association of Energy Conservation Professionals, N.A. Ammar Jr., Roanoke

Baldwin Drywall & Acoustic Inc., T. Henry Clarke IV, Moneta

Bedford County Voter Information League, George F. Gresham, Moneta

Camden Family Trucking Enterprises Inc., Ronald E. Camden, Salem

East Coast Services Inc., John M. Huddle, Roanoke

F & C Lodge Inc., William T. Crozier II, Roanoke

Full Bloom Inc., Lee Paris Graves Jr., Roanoke

Good Looks Inc., Brenda Sue Morrison, Radford

Hair Is Inc., Melissa Amos Young, Roanoke

Hemlock Park Homeowners Association, L. Scott Noonkester, Blacksburg

KAC Inc., Karla Alish Carroll, Salem

Kanawha Valley Corp., Steven Greif, Mouth of Wilson

Lord Botetourt Post No. 1841 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Inc., Paul A. Tucker, Fincastle

Maid In Town Inc., James V. Doss III, Lexington

Majestic Colors Inc., G. Michael Pace Jr., Roanoke

McGuire Brothers Tire Inc., Carr L. Kinder Jr., Roanoke

Micron Technologies Inc., Malfourd W. Trumbo, Fincastle

Mike's Enterprises Inc., Michael E. Bandy Sr., Roanoke

Omega Sales Inc., H. Morgan Griffith, Salem

Polytech Manufacturing Inc., Thomas C. Spencer, Lexington

The Precision Instrument Corp., Alan D. Phillips, Roanoke

Resolve Health Benefits Inc., A. Willard Lester, Wytheville

Roanoke Riverdawgs Inc., Alton B. Prillman, Roanoke

Salem Montessori School Inc., Mark D. Kidd, Roanoke

Tows-To-Go Inc., G. David Nixon, Roanoke

 by CNB