Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 13, 1995                   TAG: 9504130029
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Geneaology conference

``Southeastern Geneaology: A Bicentennial Genealogical Extravaganza'' will be held May 12-13 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

The event will focus on major migration routes into Tennessee and the states of origin for many of Tennessee's early settlers.

The conference will feature 20 nationally-known and local research experts and will offer more than 30 sessions on a wide range of subjects, including research in Virginia and neighboring states.

Lecturers, genealogical and historical societies and commercial firms will host display tables.

The conference is co-sponsored by The Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society and hosted by the Tennessee Historical Society.

The cost of the conference is $49. After May 1, there is an additional $5 late registration fee.

For more information or to register, write to Genealogy Conference, East Tennessee Historical Society, P.O. Box 1629, Knoxville, Tenn. 37901 or phone (615) 544-5732.

Bicycle event

``A Celebration of the Tour DuPont'' will be held at the Virginia Museum of Transportation from April 30-May 5.

Area bicycle shops will display ``state of the art'' bicycles and equipment, and vintage bicycles also will be shown. There will be information about area bike trails and cycling activities for individuals and families.

On May 1, the date of Tour DuPont's arrival in Roanoke, admission is $1. On April 30 and May 2-5, the exhibit will be open during regular musuem hours (10 a.m.-5 p.m.) and regular admission applies.

For more information, call 342-5670.

Garden Week

Historic Garden Week tours in Roanoke are planned for April 29 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The event includes the gardens of five homes, South Roanoke Methodist Church and Roanoke Garden Center-Fairacres.

Bus tours will originate at the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, 2713 Avenham Ave., and South Roanoke Methodist Church Avenue at 24th and S. Jefferson Street. Because of limited parking at homes on the tour, free continuous bus service is mandatory.

Block tickets, at $12, are available at each site on the tour. No single-house admissions will be sold.

Lunch, at $6.50, will be served at the church from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Carry-out is available. Reservations and pre-payments are due by April 26. Call 977-1649 or 344-5343.

All proceeds from the tour benefit the Garden Club of Virginia's projects for restoring grounds and gardens of the state's historic sites.

Biodynamics workshop

The Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Bio-Dynamics, a not-for-profit organization in Woolwine, is offering a workshop April 29 for those interested in learning about biodynamics and how to use biodynamic preparations on a garden or small-scale farm.

The day includes scheduled activities, lunch, demonstrations and a question-and-answer period.

Registration deadline is April 22. For more information, call 930-2463 or write P.O. Box 133, Woolwine, Va. 24185.

Orchestra rehearsal

The Roanoke Symphony Orchestra will hold an open rehearsal April 23 in preparation for the last Monday Night Classics concert of the season on April 24.

The rehearsal will be in the Roanoke Civic Center Auditorium from 2-4:30 p.m. Spectators may arrive at any time between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. and stay as long as they like. General seating will be practiced.

Visitors can meet the guest artists, conductor and musicians from 4:30 -5 p.m.

Sisters Stephanie and Cenovia Cummins, cellist and violinist, respectively, will perform Brahms' Double Concerto with conductor Victoria Bond and the orchestra.

The admission charge for ages 6 and up to adult will be $1. Children under six will be admitted free.

For more information, call 343-6221.

 by CNB