Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, April 15, 1995                   TAG: 9504170068
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: HICKORY, N.C.                                LENGTH: Short


David Green won his third NASCAR Busch Grand National pole of the season, leading qualifying Friday at Hickory Motor Speedway for today's Sundrop 400.

Green, the defending series champion, turned the .363-mile track at a speed of 89.068 mph, the fastest of the 40 drivers making qualifying attempts. A field of 30 will start the 300-lap event.

Green, driving a Chevrolet, won the pole for the third straight NASCAR Busch Grand National event at Hickory, including both events last year. He has never won in eight starts at the track.

``There's something about this track that I can really get around it good for qualifying,'' he said. ``I haven't had as much luck in a race here, but we could use a change of luck. Other than winning at Nashville last month, we haven't had a great season.''

Dennis Setzer, who lives only a few miles from the track and won last July's event here, was second-fastest at 88.042 mph in a Ford. Hermie Sadler was third in a Chevrolet, with rookie Curtis Markham fourth in a Pontiac and series point leader Johnny Benson fifth in a Chevrolet.

Among the drivers failing to make the field were the father-son team of Tommy and Andy Houston of Hickory.

 by CNB