Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 20, 1995                   TAG: 9504300001
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


March of Dimes needs walkers for fund-raiser

The Blue Ridge Chapter of March of Dimes is seeking team and individual walkers for the 25th annual WalkAmerica to help raise funds to help prevent birth defects and infant mortality.

Registration for this year's WalkAmerica will begin at 8:15 a.m. on Sunday. The walk will begin at 9 a.m. at the National Guard Armory on Reserve Avenue. Prizes will be awarded for the individual raising the most money, the school raising the most, the oldest walker, the organization team and the business teams raising the most money.

Those interested in organizing teams from their organization can obtain information from the March of Dimes office in Roanoke. For more information, call 989-8030.

Vinton community pool taking job applications

Applications are being accepted for jobs as manager, assistant manager and lifeguards at the Vinton Community Swimming Pool.

The swimming pool, on the grounds of the Vinton War Memorial on Washington Avenue, will open June 3.

Besides the 50- by-100-foot pool, the pool area also has a bathhouse with showers and lockers, food and soft drink vending machines and picnic tables.

Layman said the pool will follow its usual schedule this season - noon to 5:45 p.m. seven days a week, except that it opens one hour later on Sundays.

To apply, call 983-0613 by Friday.

Piano presented to town of Vinton

A baby grand piano once used by the late Melva P. Jones, a longtime piano teacher in Vinton, will be presented to the town of Vinton in a ceremony Monday, 2 p.m., at the Vinton War Memorial.

The piano is being presented to the town by the Foundation for the Roanoke Valley, a group that administers permanent endowment funds and makes grants from them.

Alan Rock, director of the foundation, said an endowment fund was set up in the name of Melva P. Jones to benefit music and the arts throughout the community and the piano is being presented to her hometown for use at the Vinton War Memorial.

Elderscholar program enrolling participants

Roanoke College is enrolling participants for its Elderscholarship program to be held June 13- 15.

This year, the group will study "The Southern Decorative Arts: Visual and 3-Dimensional" as it tours historic Winston-Salem, N.C. Participants will ride a horse-drawn carriage through the streets of Old Salem, reside in the historic Brookstown Inn and dine in an early 19th century Moravian atmosphere at the Old Salem Tavern. Visits to several landmarks will also be featured, including: Old First Baptist Church in Galax; Grayson County Courthouse; Shatley Springs; St. Mary's Episcopal Church in West Jefferson, N.C.; historic Bethabara Park, site of the first Moravian settlement in North Carolina; Southeastern Center for Contemporary Arts; Reynolds Village and the Reynolds House-Museum of American Art; and the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts.

For more information or to make reservations, please call the Center for Community Education and Special Events at 375-2206.

MDA car show raises $33,000

The 15th Annual Muscular Dystrophy Association's Car Show for area MDA families set attendance records and raised $33,000 for local families in Southwest and Central Virginia.

All money raised from the event will be used to provide program services to local MDA families. Services include a monthly clinic at the Rehabilitation Center of Roanoke Memorial Hospital, support groups, therapy, assistance with wheelchair purchases, research and MDA Summer Camp for children and neuromuscular disease.

 by CNB