Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 27, 1995                   TAG: 9504270063
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Q: Can you tell us anything about the beautiful old art deco-style motel and restaurant that's now closed on the road between Christiansburg and Radford? It has a very interesting appearance.

B.S., Roanoke

A: That was the Hornsby Motor Court, built on Plum Creek in 1947 by Trudy and McKinley Hornsby.

Local people, noting the Southwestern twist in its design, call it the Alamo.

The name fits. The Hornsbys got the idea when they went to Florida, the U.S. center of art deco, and stayed in a place called the Alamo, recalls their daughter, Dottie Martin of Radford.

Motels were a new idea in rural, postwar Virginia. The Hornsby Motor Court was the biggest hostelry between Roanoke and Bristol on the region's major traffic artery, U.S. 11.

The supper and dance club next door was a remodeled Esso station, and celebrities entertained motel guests there. Diane Whitehead, who operates a catering business in the place now, says the chef had his picture taken with the likes of Presley and Sinatra.

Whitehead would like you to stop by so she can give you a tour of the motor court. Her business, Terrific's, uses its lawn for outdoor parties.

The motor court later was a nursing home for a few years. It's in partial use now as a beverage-serving area for outdoor parties, and some of its rooms are used for equipment storage.|

Webber mergers

Q: On the Webber Highway, it seems there should be a "Yield" sign at the on ramp from Franklin Road going south. I've seem many near-catastrophes there.

B.K., Roanoke

A: Two points can be made here. First, Virginia Department of Transportation engineers will take another look at the merge lane, but right now they think it's long enough.

Second, when the highway's widening to six lanes is completed in November, there will be more room for southbound traffic to move to the left and make room for entering traffic.

Got a question about something that might affect other people, too? Something you've come across and wondered about? Give us a call at 981-3118. Maybe we can find the answer.

 by CNB