Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 2, 1995                   TAG: 9506020121
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


If form holds, the Salem Avalanche should be ready to win six games in a row.

The Avalanche, in the midst of a six-game winning streak when it left town May 26, returned to Municipal Field on Thursday night and put the finishing touches on a six-game losing streak.

``That's the way it's been all season,'' said Salem manager Bill Hayes, whose team began its seven-game home stand with an overall record of 27-27.

The Avalanche had the satisfaction of sending undefeated Prince William left-hander Tom Fordham to an early shower, but that didn't prevent the Cannons from extending their lead in the Carolina League's Northern Division to three games.

Prince William won 9-8 in 11 innings, but not before Salem loaded the bases in its final at-bat.

``You've got a one-run lead with the bases loaded and a 2-0 count on the hitter, a pretty good hitter [Chris Sexton], it's hard not to be nervous,'' said Prince William manager Dave Huppert.

Huppert already had seen Salem (27-28) come back from an 8-3 deficit, with the final three runs coming on a bases-loaded double by center fielder Edgard Velasquez with two out in the ninth.

The tying run scored after John Giudice ran through Hayes' stop sign in the third-base coach's box.

``He said he saw the left fielder bobble the ball, so he just kept going,'' Hayes said. ``I've always told them, `You're your own best coach. When you see something, do what you think is best.'''

Hayes wasn't as pleased with some of the other things he saw. He felt either Velasquez or left fielder Brian Culp, had they communicated properly, could have caught a ball hit by Prince William's Magglio Ordonez that fell for a single and sent home the eventual winning run.

A series of fielding gems, including two back-handed stabs by Sexton, helped get the Avalanche to the 11th inning.

Prince William (29-24) led 4-0 when Salem starter Keith Barnes (3-3) was banished after 21/3 innings, but Fordham (8-0) didn't last much longer. He gave up eight runs and three runs in 32/3 innings, including a two-run homer by Velasquez that cut the deficit to 5-3.

Fordham had won all three of his previous starts against Salem and had a 1.00 earned run average against the Avalanche.

Both starting pitchers spent much of their time behind in the count - a big reason two hours had elapsed before the teams had played 41/2 innings. The game lasted 3 hours, 52 minutes, not counting a 28-minute rain delay with Salem batting in the fifth.

NOTE: Please see microfilm for scores.

 by CNB