Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 6, 1995                   TAG: 9506060130
DATELINE: WASHINGTON                                LENGTH: Long


Would you consider a millionaire ``economically disadvantaged?''

Or someone with an $800,000 home?

Or a businessman with a Mercedes-Benz, a Corvette, a Jeep Wrangler and a boat?

Probably not, but then you're not the federal government.

Government audits show that a federal program has classified dozens of minority millionaires as ``socially and economically disadvantaged,'' making them eligible for lucrative, no-competition government contracts.

The Small Business Administration program was started during the Nixon administration as a way to spur more minority-owned businesses.

But it is coming under increased scrutiny as President Clinton and Congress examine whether to modify or eliminate federal affirmative action programs.

The program is ``on the firing line,'' said a House Small Business Committee aide. ``The problem is it has predominantly provided contracts for inside-the-Beltway firms. That was not the intent. It was to be more beneficial across the nation. And it has provided big money to wealthy people.''

Last year, federal auditors picked five SBA district offices and examined 50 ``disadvantaged'' companies that received at least $10 million each in contracts. They found that:

Thirty-five of the 50 owners were worth more than $1 million.

Five owners received salaries and bonuses of $1 million to $2.5 million over two years. Seven others made more than $750,000, and five others made between $500,000 and $750,000.

More than a dozen had stakes in their businesses of between $1 million to $9 million.

Five had homes worth $800,000 to $1.4 million. Ten more had homes exceeding $400,000.

Critics also have complained that nearly one-third of the $4.3 billion in contracts awarded in 1994 went to firms in the D.C. area.

Minority business owners say the SBA program helps companies without capital and connections compete in a white business world. But even some minority-owned businesses say money is diverted from needy firms when it goes to wealthy owners.

Since the SBA program began in 1969, businesses classified as disadvantaged have been awarded more than 95,000 contracts worth $48 billion. More than 5,000 companies now qualify.

The program, known as Section 8(a), defines disadvantaged people as ``black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Indian tribes, Pacific Americans, Native Hawaiian organizations and other minorities.'' White women do not automatically qualify, but can apply for the program.

Eligible firms can win contracts from government agencies without competitive bidding for amounts less than $5 million for manufacturing and $3 million for other industries. Businesses can participate in the program for nine years.

To qualify, a business owner's net worth can't exceed $250,000. Eventually, the limit rises to $750,000.

The rub is that when it calculates net worth, the SBA doesn't include owners' equity in their companies and homes, or their spouses' wealth, according to federal auditors.

Loopholes and flaws allowed businesses to stay in the program long after owners got rich, contrary to the program's intent, the auditors complained.

``This reduces the opportunities available to disadvantaged individuals and undermines public support for the program,'' they wrote.

Some minority business owners say criticism about the millionaires shows a double standard because some federal programs, notably farm subsidies, assist wealthy people.

``I have no problem with people getting wealthy off this program,'' said Harry Alford, chairman of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. ``You take a guy in the SBA [program] making $4 million and compare it to the salary of the CEO of General Motors.''

But federal auditors have found other problems with the program. They said:

Less than 1 percent of the nation's minority businesses are helped by the program. Of those that do participate, only half ever receive federal contracts. Too few companies get most of the contracts. The 200 largest companies received 54 percent of the biggest-dollar contracts.

Some minority businesses hire large, white-owned companies to do the work, thus undermining the program's intent of helping minority-owned businesses.

Another concern is that the windfall has gone to firms in the Washington area, instead of the nation's inner cities. Companies in the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland won about one-third of the $4.3 billion in contracts last year. The big states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio won about 7 percent combined. Florida got about 3 percent and California got about 9 percent.

While supportive of the program overall, Fernando Galaviz, vice chairman of the National Federation of 8(a) Companies, said his organization is critical of the millionaire loophole.

``Way before it became chic and popular with the new Congress to be conservative, we've been saying the program should be designed to help those who need it,'' Galaviz said. ``There are too many loopholes for abuse.''

Still, he said there is sentiment that the politicians and the public want minority firms to succeed - but not too much.

``It's like: we do want you to succeed but don't start wearing Rolex watches or driving Mercedes Benzes,'' Galaviz said.

 by CNB