Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 9, 1995                   TAG: 9506090065
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Artists, ages 6 to 60-plus, will be showing their work Saturday at the Newport Recreation Center. Although their styles are like night and day, these artists all share one little idiosyncrasy...


Only Giles County gals are participating in this juried art show sponsored by the Newport Woman's Club. It will be judged by Martha Dillard of Blacksburg.

You're invited to see the exhibition and have refreshments from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday at the center.

Two popular local artists participating in the show are sculptor Darcy Meeker and painter Victoria Jordan Stone.

The artists' work will be divided into five age categories. First prize in each category is $25, and ribbons will be awarded to second- and third-place winners.

Admission to see the exhibit is free and it's open to everyone ... guys included!

COURT DAY: In the 1800s, people traveled far and wide to the county seat for "Court Day," the day public business was conducted. The day was also a time for buying, selling, trading, catching up on the news and visiting with neighbors.

The village of Newbern in Pulaski County will have its annual Court Day on Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Courthouse Square. Visitors may join tours of the old jail, the hanging house, the mercantile store and other sites in historic Newbern.

In addition to the informational tours, the event features a "Mini Fair" with lots of produce, handwrought items and foods for sale. Yard sales, flea markets and other sales will be part of the activities, too.

Court Day is sponsored by members of the Olde Newberne Foundation. For more information, call 674-5853.

WALK YOUR DAWGS: What's the best way to get a good workout, suck up lots of fresh air and pause to smell the roses - all at the same time?

Take a hike, of course!

The YMCA at Virginia Tech is offering a series of summer hikes each weekend through Aug. 6. All you have to do to join the fun is be there.

Hikers meet in the YMCA parking lot at 403 Washington St. in Blacksburg before each outing. The group forms carpools to get to the sites.

Pull on your hiking boots, grab a jacket, fill your water bottle and pack yourself a lunch for the longer hikes. You might want to bring a camera, too. You'll find some spectacular scenery on these excursions.

If you don't plan to drive, bring some gas money, too. The drivers will appreciate it.

Hikers will meet this Sunday at 9 a.m. and head to Bland County for a hike at Little Wolf Creek on the Appalachian Trail. This is a moderately strenuous trek along the creek and back along the ridge via a trail maintained by the Virginia Tech Outing Club.

David Jenkins will lead Sunday's hike. If you have questions, call him at 552-3747.

Here's the schedule for upcoming hikes:

June 18 - Meet at 1:30 p.m. for a trip to Mountain Lake in Giles County. Hike along a 3-mile loop trail to a rocky lookout. Norm Eiss, 951-4015, is the leader.

June 24 - Meet at 9 a.m. for a hike at Tinker Cliffs. The 10-mile loop trail with steep stretches includes an overlook of the Catawba Valley. Barry Anderson, 639-1018, is the leader.

July 2 - Meet at 1:30 p.m. for a hike to Bald Knob from Mountain Lake. The scenic view is at an elevation of 4,363 feet, the highest in the area. John Roach, 951-1965, is the leader.

July 8 - Meet at 8 a.m. for a trip to West Virginia to visit the Cranberry Glades. The Appalachian habitat includes a bog forest with orchids, red spruce and native wildflowers. Ken Stein, 552-4392, is the leader.

July 15 - Meet at 9 a.m. for a hike up Tinker Mountain and along a ridge to Hay Rock overlooking Carvins Cove north of Roanoke. Barry Anderson, 639-1018, is the leader.

July 23 - Meet at noon for a trip to Catawba. Group will hike a 6-mile loop at Sawtooth Ridge with rock outcroppings and a view of Bradshaw Valley. After hiking, participants may stop at the Homeplace for dinner. Bring $10 for the meal. Su Clauson-Wicker, 552-6331, is the leader.

July 30 - Meet at 1:30 p.m. for a trip to the Cascades in Giles County. Group will hike an improved trail to the falls and then farther along the upper creek. Bill Richardson, 951-1061, is the leader.

Aug. 6 - Meet at 1:30 p.m. for an easy hike at Alta Mons, the Methodist camp near Shawsville. Hikers will walk along and across Purgatory Creek to Styles Falls. Ken Stein, 552-4392, is the leader.

Hike leaders plan to return to the YMCA by 5 p.m. after the outings. Of course, the schedule could change if the weather doesn't cooperate.

If you have questions about any of the outings, call the hike leader or the YMCA office, 231-6860.

SQUARES UNITE! The Blacksburg Old-Time Music and Dance Group is having its monthly mountain square dance Saturday night at 8. The toe-tapping fun is happening at Montgomery County Park's shelter No. 1.

Bill Richardson of Blacksburg is the caller. He promises to teach all the dances, so you don't have to worry about your two left feet.

Blacksburg's Woody McKenzie and the Windmill Gap String Band will pick out the dance tunes.

Admission is $4.50.

To get to Montgomery County Park from U.S. 460 in Christiansburg, turn onto County Road across from Corning Glass Works. Turn right at the yield sign and park at your immediate left.

HEAR A SAXOPHONE? It's probably Matthew Lucas practicing for his senior recital.

The Virginia Tech musician will perform Saturday at 8 p.m. in the recital salon at Squires Student Center. The Synchronicity Sax Quartet will join Lucas for this performance.

The recital features works by Bach, Bozza, Glazounov and Jeanjean.

Admission is free.

 by CNB