Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 9, 1995                   TAG: 9506140023
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: stacy jones
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


MAKING A STATEMENT: It's not often one sees a power company in the forefront of the environmental movement (unless there is a lawsuit involved). This weekend will put a spin on the norm as the Appalachian Power Co. presents its annual Conservation Festival at the Mill Mountain Zoo. The event on Saturday and Sunday will celebrate the work being done by local, state and national conservation organizations. The show also will try to educate through special programs in the zoo's amphitheater. Topics include ``Using Solar Power to Grow Plants and Herbs,'' ``Whales Tales'' and ``Watershed into the Bay.'' Approximately 20 organizations will be on hand during the weekend festival. Additional activities include electric car demonstrations, ``Animal Olympics,'' storytelling on environmental issues and craft projects. Free fruit products will also be distributed. Admission is $3.50 for adults, $2 for children under 12 and free for kids under 2. Call 343-3241.

HERO WORSHIP: Ever since Ken Burns did his thing - the war thing, not the baseball thing - pPeople just can't get enough of the Civil War. That said, the Theater at Lime Kiln's production of ``Stonewall Country'' may provide the fix you need. A tradition for more than a decade, the play re-creates the times of Thomas ``Stonewall'' Jackson. There will be battle scenes, Civil War heroes and some great music. Previews Wednesday-Friday at 8 p.m. and opens on June 17. Admission is $6. Children, students and senior citizens get a $2 discount. Call 463-3074.

TALL TALES: There will be a little Appalachia in Roanoke County this Saturday, courtesy of some professional talkers, er, storytellers. The first Blue Ridge Storytelling Festival showcases four nationally recognized tellers - Don McConnell, David Massengill, Kathy Pierce and Gwynn Ramsey. Ramsey, a resident of Lynchburg, dons bib-overalls, chambray shirt and coon skin cap to spin his yarns in a mountain dialect. Like many festivals, this one includes food, crafts and other entertainment. Festival hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Green Hill Park. Admission is $4. Call 387-6078.

FINE FEATHERED FRIENDS: If you can take the squawking, the Bird Fair at Salem Civic Center this Sunday should be interesting. Presented by the Southwest Virginia Bird Club and the Aviary Bird Club of Virginia, this event will host a variety of birds. Scheduled functions include bird seminars, a bird raffle, door prizes and food and refreshments. Hours are 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission is $1. Call 953-1634.

FINE AND MELLOW: There is no better combination on a lazy day than a glass of wine and the echoes of jazz. Chateau Morrisette's Black Dog Jazz Concert Series offers both this Saturday. This month's musical guest is Janice Price and the Priceless. For the $7 admission price, the Floyd County winery supplies the music, the wine, a tour of the winery and a souvenir wine glass. Chateau Morrisette is located at milepost 171.5 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hours are 12-5 p.m. Call 593-2865.

MAGNIFICENT MUTTS: The difference between cats and dogs will be perfectly summed up this Saturday when Danville Parks and Recreation hosts the 1995 Friskies Canine Frisbee Disc Championships. Try to get a cat to do anything you want, it doesn't work, especially if they have to get off the couch to do it. Known as the premier athletic competition for four-legged athletes, the championship is open to any dog that can catch a flying disc. Registration is on site and there is no entry fee. Each lucky contestant will receive an official Friskies Frisbee disc for competition and a handsome Certificate of Achievement, suitable for framing. There are additional awards for the winner and runners-up. The competition will begin at 8 a.m. at Ballou Park, West Main Street and Park Avenue, Danville. Call (804) 799-5215.

 by CNB