Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, June 10, 1995                   TAG: 9506300007
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Road construction

BLACKSBURG - Motorists using Prices Fork Road Monday will be delayed while traffic moves through a construction area near Plantation Road.

The construction area will be marked and the speed limit will be reduced to 25 mph for the two to three days of construction.

After completing a cut across Prices Fork Road, the contractor will move to the intersection of Price's Fork Road and Old Glade Road where similar work will be done. During this phase of construction, Old Glade Road will be closed at its intersection with Prices Fork Road. This phase will be take four to five days.

Tech summer classes

BLACKSBURG - Computer courses, foreign language, indoor plants, economics and public speaking are some of the classes being offered during the second summer session at Virginia Tech. More than 100 courses are available during the eight week session.

Classes will start July 3. Registration is available now through the first day of classes. For more information, call the summer school office at 231-5870.

Shawsville tour

SHAWSVILLE - The Montgomery County Museum of Christiansburg will host a Historic Homes tour Saturday, June 10. The tour will start at the White Memorial United Methodist Church at 9 a.m. and will go to grounds of Walnut Grove in Shawsville. Other tour sites include Crocket Springs, the historic Taylor (Mull) house and the vine gazebo in the Alleghany Springs area; historic Shawsville business district, Fort Vause, White Memorial United Methodist Church and an 18th century tavern. Stops at local cemeteries will also be included on the tour.

The cost of the tour is $10, $5 for children under 18. Van transportation will be available for $13. For reservations, call the museum at 382-5644.

 by CNB