Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, June 18, 1995                   TAG: 9506220009
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: D-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


MICHAEL J. WILLIAMS has been appointed to the newly created position of quality manager of General Electric Drive Systems in Salem.

Williams, who has been with GE for 26 years, joins the drive systems business from GE Aircraft Engines in Evendale, Ohio, where he was manager of the Airfoils Technical & Quality Operation.

Williams has spent most of his career at GE in managerial positions with GE Aircraft Engines and has extensive technical and manufacturing experience. In his new position, he will be responsible for implementing businesswide quality processes and measurements.


The Roanoke area chapter of the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants has elected officers and directors for 1995-96: J. MICHAEL WILLIAMS, Carilion Health System, president; DEBORAH L. GLOSSBRENNER, town of Blacksburg, vice president; DAVID P. LUCAS, Lucas & Boatwright, secretary; and DAVID A. PRUETT, Meadowbrook Inc. in Shawsville, treasurer.

Directors are: JESSE A. HALL, city of Roanoke; J. PHILLIP WINDSCHITL, Foti, Flynn, Lowen & Co.; T. DOUG McQUADE, KPMG Peat Marwick; JAMES B. TANEY, Anderson & Reed; and DAVID WRIGHT, Anderson & Reed.


Shenandoah Life Insurance Co. in Roanoke has named ROBERT C. TRETTER second vice president-group marketing. Tretter, who has 14 years of field, sales and marketing experience, previously was special markets manager with Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society. He is a trustee of the National Association of Health Underwriters.


L. BRAD BRAFORD is now associated with the Roanoke law firm of Coulter & Coulter. Braford practiced law in Harrisonburg before joining Bird, Kinder and Huffman in Roanoke, where he worked for more than two years before the firm dissolved. Braford will continue in the general practice of law with an emphasis on personal injury and general civil litigation.


Valley Network Business and Professional Women's Organization has installed officers for 1995-96: JEANETTE PATTERSON, Church of the Brethren district office, president; JUDY MORRIS, Hearp and Associates, president-elect; SANDIE LEFLER, McLeod and Co., vice president; JOYCE HARMON, H&K Unique Bridal Services, secretary; TONI O'NEIL, Charter Federal Savings Bank, treasurer; and DORIS QUARLES, Church of the Brethern district office, parliamentarian.

The Roanoke chapter of Professional Secretaries International has elected officers for 1995-96: DELORES D. DIXON, Roanoke County Schools, president; REBECCA A. GILLIAM, Double Envelope Co., president-elect; SUSAN E. MILLER, Roanoke Gas. Co., second vice president; SANDRA STUMP BOOTH, Virginia Department of Forestry, recording secretary; CHRISTINA MARTIN, Atlantic Mutual Cos., corresponding secretary; and DONNA W. LYNCH, Crestar Bank, treasurer.


WARREN O. VAUGHAN, manager of Kentucky Power Co.'s Ashland division, has been named training and development manager for Appalachian Power Co.'s general office human resources department in Roanoke effective July 1. Vaughan joined Apco in 1970, then moved to Kentucky Power, a sister American Electric Power operating utility, in 1989 as assistant manager of that company's Pikeville division. He assumed his present position in 1991.

Information on personnel changes of interest to people in business should be sent to this column, c/o the Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, Va. 24010.

 by CNB