Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, June 21, 1995                   TAG: 9506210101
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Band boosters welcoming director

PULASKI - The Pulaski County High School Band Boosters invite residents to a reception Thursday to welcome the new band director.

Joe Moore, who has been director at Sullivan, Tenn., East High School for the past seven years, is the new director.

The reception is at 5 p.m. in the high school commons area. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call 674-5119 or 674-9343.

Casimir Company art exhibit

PULASKI - David Venne, manager of Pulaski's Golden Corral Family Steak House, is the featured artist in an exhibit at the Casimir Company store from now through July.

Venne's paintings are dominated by bright primary colors and playful imagery. He jokes that the painting "is simply an expression of my joyful nature and disposition."

Born and raised in Europe, Venne studied fine arts at the University of Wisconsin. Most of his paintings during his years there were commissioned for individuals in the Milwaukee and Chicago areas.

He met his wife, Therese, while in the Midwest. They moved east in 1987, and he has since had paintings on exhibit in the Washington area at American University, Gallery On Wisconsin, Utica, Roche Atlier, and the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival, as well as in Richmond at Annes' Cafe Gallery.

The Casimir Company at 69 W. Main St. has been in business for about a year, and is narrowing its focus to concentrate on custom framing, prints and posters, and original arts and crafts. Many of the jewelry, bags, hats, scarves and other wearables it had been stocking will be offered at 25 percent off.

 by CNB