Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 22, 1995                   TAG: 9506220041
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Concert Friday at Dublin church

DUBLIN - There will be an inspirational concert Friday, June 23, at Dublin United Methodist Church. Salt & Light, a Holston Conference Touring Youth Choir, will perform music and readings. The group comprises of young people from Southwest Virginia, East Tennessee and North Georgia. Three members are from Pulaski County High School and attend Dublin Methodist Church, they are Jenny Rowh, Michelle Cook and J.C. Hamilton.

The concert will be at the church at 424 E. Main St. and will start at 7:30 p.m.

Model airplane club fly-in

CHRISTIANSBURG - Montgomery County Model Airplane Club will have a June radio controlled Fun FLy Saturday, June 24 at the Montgomery County Park field, behind the ball diamonds.

Events are figure eight's for radio controlled sailplanes and been carry for radio controlled power planes.

Academy of Model Aeronautics membership is required. Club members must also show Parks and Recreation Department permit card.

The event will start at 10 a.m. Rain date is scheduled for Sunday, June 25, at 10 a.m.

4-H camp registration

CHRISTIANSBURG - Less than two weeks left to register for 4-H camping at Smith Mountain Lake. The one-week camp is open to all Montgomery County youth between 9-13. The camp will be August 7-11 at Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Educational Center. The center has dining and lodging facilities, conference rooms and several recreational facilities.

The center also has an Olympic-size swimming pool with beginning, intermediate and advanced swimming classes. Putt-putt golf, canoeing, horsemanship, drama, electric energy, environmental science, archer, crafts, basketball and aquatic science will also be offered.

The cost of the camp is $90. For more information or application, call the Montgomery County Extension Office at 382-5790.

SHARE seeks host groups

RADFORD - The Virginia Self Help and Resources Exchange (SHARE) is looking for host organizations in the Radford community. SHARE is a program of New River Community Action, Inc.

The program distributes food once a month and is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Participants pay $3 plus 59 cents sales tax and two hours of community service. Community service may be done at the local host organization, the SHARE warehouse or any other volunteer or church organization.

Interested groups, including churches, civic or community groups, should call Helen Kapalka at 382-6186 for more information, training opportunities and promotional materials.

Radio field day this weekend

CHRISTIANSBURG - The New River Valley Amateur Radio Club plans to set up a temporary ham radio station along the Blue Ridge Parkway when it participates in its 25th annual American Radio Relay League Field Day Saturday and Sunday, June 24-25.

During Field Day, hams test their capability to provide emergency communications in the event of a disaster.

The public is invited to visit the emergency-powered transmitting and receiving facilities at the Rocky Knob Overlook, as club members join the national annual competition for individual ham radio operators and clubs in the U.S. and Canada.

"Hams have a history of helping in times of distress, and we don't want to get caught ill-prepared," said Doug Minnick, KE4HNY, this year's Field Day chairman. Minnick also oversaw last year's event, when the club's operators contacted over 1,000 stations.

During Field Day, he explained, the station plans to serve as a relay point for mock emergency messages into and out of the area and hopes to involve local police, fire and rescue and the National Weather Service Skywarn system in the operation.

Field Day spans 24 hours from Saturday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. "We will start setting up around 9 a.m. Saturday," Minnick said

"We will have both [Morse] code and voice operations," he said. The station will transmit and receive on both the high frequency (HF) and very high frequency (VHF) amateur spectrum.

The New River Valley Amateur Radio Club was formed in 1970 at New River Community College. It has approximately 60 active members.

 by CNB