Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 22, 1995                   TAG: 9506220042
DATELINE: RADFORD                                LENGTH: Medium


A series of meetings to involve the public in the future uses of idled portions of the Radford Army Ammunition Plant has been scheduled by the New River Valley Planning District Commission.

Public meetings are set for June 27 through Aug. 8, with two sessions held in each community within the planning district.

The sessions are provided as part of the Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support - or ARMS - Initiative Congress passed in 1992 to help communities address the effects of defense downsizing. The resulting direct and indirect job losses "have greatly affected our economic condition in the New River Valley," a commission statement said.

The commission has been contracted to inventory the plant's capabilities and develop a plan to re-use the facility, now operated by Alliant Techsystems Inc. under a U.S. Army contract.

The meetings will seek community involvement in RAAP's current and future community role, potential uses for idled plant facilities and public concerns about the arsenal. Each meeting will include presentations about RAAP, its processes and the impact of the ARMS Initiative, plus brainstorming to generate new ideas.

Here is the schedule for the first and second rounds of community meetings. The first meeting in each community starts at 7 p.m. and ends by 9 p.m. Round 2 sessions start at 6:30 p.m. and end by 9 p.m. Refreshments will be served at all meetings.

Tuesday, June 27 and July 25, Pulaski County Administration Building board room, 143 Third St., Pulaski.

Wednesday, June 28, Radford Public Library community room, 30 First St.; Wednesday, July 26, New River Valley Planning District Commission, 1612 Wadsworth St.

Thursday, July 6 and 27, Montgomery County Courthouse board room, Christiansburg.

Monday, July 10 and Aug. 7, Giles County Courthouse, Circuit Courtroom, Pearisburg.

Tuesday, July 11, Floyd County Courthouse; Tuesday, Aug. 8, Bank of Floyd, upstairs.

Individuals unable to attend one of the sessions may call the commission at 639-9313, send e-mail to or visit the New River Valley Planning District Commission offices, 1612 Wadsworth St.

 by CNB