Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 23, 1995                   TAG: 9506230057
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


A woman has filed a sex discrimination lawsuit against a Cloverdale company, claiming she was fired and told ``her place was at home with her child'' after missing work because of her pregnancy.

Lisa Bailey is seeking damages of at least $100,000 in a lawsuit filed this week in Roanoke Circuit Court against Scott-Gallaher Inc., a small company that rents construction equipment.

Ron Scott, president of Scott-Gallaher, declined to comment on the suit.

Bailey, who was hired by the company in 1990 and worked as a sales coordinator, made the following allegations in a lawsuit filed by Roanoke attorney Terry Grimes:

After becoming pregnant in 1994, Bailey was told by her doctor not to work after experiencing premature labor in July. When she was allowed to return to work in October, Bailey called the company to ask when she should report back and was told that she had been discharged.

A company official told Bailey she had been fired ``because she was no longer dependable since she had delivered a child,'' according to the lawsuit.

The official also said that Bailey's ``place was at home with her child, that babies get sick sometimes and Bailey would have to miss work to care for her child, and that he needed someone more dependable,'' the suit claims.

Bailey, 27, of Roanoke County, had previously filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which reviewed the case before giving her a notice of the right to sue.

The suit claims that in addition to having lost wages, Bailey has suffered ``humiliation and emotional distress.''

 by CNB