Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 27, 1995                   TAG: 9506270067
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA                                LENGTH: Medium


A team of assassins cut off Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's limousine and fired a hail of bullets at it as he headed to an African summit Monday. Mubarak, a close U.S. ally who is fighting a Muslim insurgency, escaped uninjured and flew back to Egypt.

At least one bullet struck a window of Mubarak's armored black Mercedes-Benz limousine but failed to penetrate the bulletproof glass. ``I saw those who shot at me,'' Mubarak said after returning to Cairo.

Two of the attackers were killed in a lengthy exchange of gunfire with Egyptian and Ethiopian guards. The gunmen were Arab in appearance, heightening suspicions that Muslim extremists were responsible.

``Whatever happens, Egypt will not be shaken, and we will not give up fighting terrorism,'' Mubarak, 67, said at a news conference at Cairo's airport.

According to witness and official accounts, the gunmen veered across a grass median and opened fire as Mubarak's three-car entourage drove from Addis Ababa's airport to the opening session of the annual summit of the Organization of African Unity.

It was the third known attempt to kill Mubarak since the former air force officer was elevated from vice president after the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. Last year, two soldiers and a civilian were executed after being convicted of plotting Mubarak's murder.

Ethiopian officials said seven to nine gunmen were involved in the attack Monday.

Two police officers standing on the roadway median were shot and killed, and a third was wounded, the Interior Ministry said. It said one attacker was wounded but escaped.

The Foreign Ministry statement said the assailants ``were of Arab origin,'' but said they hadn't been identified. Mubarak said his attackers ``did not look like Ethiopians or black.''

The Interior Ministry said police searching what is believed to be the gunmen's hideout found two rocket-propelled grenade launchers, four grenades, two AK-47 rifles and a pistol. TV footage of the search also showed boxes of hand grenades.

 by CNB