Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, June 28, 1995                   TAG: 9506280025
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Everybody's lost something in the mail. But few come close to losing a chance at $25,000.

Because that apparently happened to Explore Park last month, Roanoke City Council may reconsider a decision that cut Explore out of Roanoke's funding loop.

Council was told Monday that the city's Citizens Services Committee didn't consider funding for Explore this year because park officials didn't return an application the committee sent to them.

Over the objections of Mayor David Bowers, council approved $388,000 in funding for human service and cultural organizations - and nothing for Explore.

On Tuesday, however, Explore's manager said he never received an application, and committee chairman Glen Radcliffe admitted he sent it to an old address.

"I should have followed up with a call," Radcliffe said, ``and I'll take responsibility for not making sure they got it.''

When Explore Park officials did not respond, Radcliffe said he "didn't think very long and hard about it" and guessed the park might have found another funding source.

Two council members and the mayor said that may change council's mind on the issue. Bowers said he would like to give Explore $25,000, the same amount the city has granted the park each of the past two fiscal years.

"If something slipped through the cracks," Vice Mayor John Edwards said, ``I think we ought to rectify it.''

Councilwoman Linda Wyatt agreed, saying, "If indeed it was sent to the wrong address, then that's not their fault."

Monday's decision not to fund the park raised eyebrows among members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, who criticized council during the board's Tuesday meeting.

Explore Park sent the city three letters in April asking for a $50,000 grant. The request was referred to Radcliffe and the Citizens Services Committee, which recommends how much money the city should give cultural and human services groups each year.

Bowers noted it shouldn't be hard to find additional funding in the city budget for Explore, given council's $600,000 appropriation for Jefferson Center renovations Monday. City Manager Bob Herbert was able to find funding for that in the budget.

Councilman William White, however, said he's opposed to funding the park. A prior $50,000 grant was supposed to be a "one-time thing," White said. And he called reopening the issue "a rape of the budget process."

Councilmen Jack Parrott and Mac McCadden and Councilwoman Elizabeth Bowles could not be reached for comment, but Bowles was one of two council members who in March urged that council consider funding for Explore this year.

The $25,000 represents about 2.5 percent of Explore's annual budget of $1.035 million.

Without the money, a layoff or two is "a real possibility," said George Nester, Explore's general manager.

Explore Park has 10 seasonal and 13 year-round employees, whose salaries account for about 65 percent of the park's budget.

In addition to the city funds, Explore Park this year expects $150,000 from Roanoke County - $50,000 more than last year - and $400,000 from the state.

It expects to take in $250,000 in gifts raised by the Roanoke River Foundation, $150,000 in admission fees and sales of goods at the park, $25,000 in corporate and other grants, and $10,000 from other sources.

Staff writer Sarah Huntley contributed to this report.

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