Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, July 3, 1995                   TAG: 9507030126
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Name: Jennifer Middleton

Age: 16

School: New River Community College; Radford University, fall, 1995

Year: Sophomore

What she does: Jennifer volunteers in the office of the United Way of Montgomery County and Radford, and has volunteered for the United Fund of Floyd County.

She helps with all phases of office work - mailings, typing, word processing, filing - and assists the office systems manager with data entry. In the fall, she will assume more responsibility for the agency's Gifts in Kind program, a job now done by a paid employee.

``Jennifer has been a great asset to us, doing whatever needs to be done and never complaining,'' said Kyme Davidson-Hamley, executive director of the organization.

``Jennifer is very adept and dependable and makes sure the jobs get done. When a high school student who was a paid employee was unreliable, Jennifer picked up the ball and finished his project.

``We don't have many volunteers who want to work in the office - there's never any public recognition. We depend on Jennifer as if she were a regular staff person.

``For her to be 16 and so conscientious is to her credit. She is one of the most mature, brightest and dependable young persons I have had the honor to know.''

At New River Community College, Jennifer was a volunteer note-taker for disabled students who were unable to take notes in class.

She also helps her dad coach recreational league basketball and baseball teams.

Why she does it: ``I thought it would be cool to help the people of the community and meet different types of people..

``I prefer to do hands-on work. If I had more time, I'd also volunteer for one of the partner agencies.

``I like knowing that the money being raised is helping the community and knowing about the organizations United Way funds and what they do for the community.''

Other activities: As the oldest of seven children and home-schooled after eighth grade, Jennifer has played a key role in helping her younger siblings.

She is very active in sports, and played on New River Community College's basketball team. She has played on local softball teams and also swims and plays tennis.

What she's learned: ``I've learned how to work with people, how to communicate and talk with older people.

``I was pretty shy before, and volunteering has helped me in all social situations. It's made me more outgoing and I can meet people a lot better now.

``At first, I was afraid I couldn't do a lot of the office work, but once I got started, it came naturally.''

Future plans: Able to work at her own pace as a home school student, Jennifer passed all of her required high school courses at the age of 16. She is planning to earn an R.N. degree from Radford University and hopes to become a physician's assistant or nurse practitioner. Even with six younger brothers and sisters, ``I still want to work with little kids.''

 by CNB