Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 6, 1995                   TAG: 9507060099
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


TRIGON BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD recently recognized several Roanoke Valley insurance agents and companies for exceptional service to their customers and the company as part of its 1995 Small Group Accounts Broker Performance Recognition program.

They are: Dennie P. Denison III, Rebecca F. Pollard of Corporate Concepts Inc., Carter F. Garrett of Corporate Concepts Inc. and Thomas Lintz of Old Dominion Insurance Services Inc.

Fifty-five independent brokers qualified for the program, which is based on superior performance in sales, profitability, net account growth and client retention in the small group insurance market.

TED GUERIN of Vinton is a winner in the quarterly L. Ron Hubbard Contest for new illustrators of speculative fiction.

He won $500 cash and an all-expense paid trip to the 11th annual Hubbard Achievement awards ceremony at Space Center Houston, where he will participate in an illustrators' workshop .

Guerin has been dean of students at Newark School of Fine and Industrial Arts and has an art studio with his wife on Market Square.

BEVERLY PALMER of Roanoke was inducted into Avon's ``Circle of Excellence'' during a banquet in Barcelona, Spain. The gala was the highlight of the company's five-day celebration for its 542 top-performing district sales managers.

ABDULNASSER BARGHOUTY and JAMES OGIER received the 1995 Dean's Council Awards from Roanoke College.

Barghouty, an assistant professor of physics, was presented the Exemplary Professional Achievement Award for his research record and for including students in his research projects.

Ogier, associate professor of German and linguistics, received the Exemplary Teaching Award for employing enthusiasm, skill, knowledge and concern for the students in his teaching.

CHERYL B. PARRIS of Roanoke has been promoted to hub branch manager for the Chesapeake area of Signet's Hampton Roads region.

Parris has held several positions in retail banking since joining Signet in 1979.

GOODY'S FAMILY CLOTHING gave away a 1995 Plymouth Voyager van to Lovviner Scott of Ferrum. Scott registered for the chainwide drawing at Goody's Tanglewood Mall store.

THE VIRGINIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS recently awarded life memberships to 65 members. The Roanoke-area members receiving memberships include: Emmett Cruise, Warren M. Miller and Isaac O. Perkins, all of Roanoke.

THE WILLIAMSON ROAD AREA BUSINESS ASSOCIATION INC. recently elected officers and board of directors members for 1995-96.

Linwood Locklear is president. Other officers are: Mike Bailey, first vice president; Ben Burch III, second vice president; Susan Musselwhite, secretary; Lydia Short, treasurer. Directors-at-large are Mike Bailey, Bob Jones and W. Fletcher Smith.

 by CNB