Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 8, 1995                   TAG: 9507110009
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The Salem Avalanche had four players selected to play in the Carolina League All-Star Game, three of whom may be in the starting lineup for the Southern Division when the game is played in Lynchburg on July 19.

In balloting conducted by league managers, Salem's Brian Culp was picked as the Southern Division's starting designated hitter. Shortstop Chris Sexton and outfielder Edgard Velasquez finished tied in voting at their respective positions.

Sexton was tied with Kinston shortstop Enrique Wilson and Velasquez was tied with Winston-Salem's Mike Meggers. Southern Division manager Gordie MacKenzie of Kinston will pick the starter at those positions.

Salem's Jamey Wright, who is 9-4 with a 2.57 ERA, was named to the Southern pitching staff. Kinston's Bartolo Colon, who is 11-3 with a league-leading 127 strikeouts in 106 innings pitched, will be the Southern starter.

Culp is batting .289 with seven home runs and 48 RBI. Velasquez is tied for the team lead with a .296 average with eight homers and 39 RBI. Sexton is second in the league in on-base percentage and has been among the league's top hitters most of the season.

Kinston, which won the first-half Southern Division championship, placed nine players on the All-Star roster.

The Lynchburg Hillcats led the Northern Division selections with seven selections, including former Salem Buccaneers Ramon Zapata and Reed Secrist. Prince William's Dave Huppert will manage the North squad.


 by CNB