Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, July 10, 1995                   TAG: 9507100122
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Bobby Radford went flag-to-flag Saturday in the 50-lap Star City Auto Parts 300 Late Model Stock Car race at Franklin County Speedway.

The only car to challenge Radford was driven by Orville Reedy of Daleville, who finished second.

Phillip Vandiveer placed third, Tim Shelton was fourth and Lowe Smith was fifth.

In the Mini Stocks, Gary Joyce won, followed by James Cox in second, Chris Martin in third, Wayne Roach Jr. in fourth and Bobby Hart in fifth.

Mike Elkins won the Street Stock race, followed by Mike Dudley in second, David Stout in third, Leon Dalton in fourth and Brian Cooke in fifth.

In the Pure Stocks, Jay Perry won, followed by Tom Dooley in second, Kelly Kingery in third, Doc Holiday in fourth and Kenny McKinney in fifth.

Bobby Davis pulled out the victory in the Rookie race, with Mark Stoner second, David Duncan third, Harlan Dalton fourth and H.B. Stoneman fifth.

Chris Hatchett won the Truck race, and Patrick Evans won the Any Car race.

In other sports news in the region:

K.J. Hippensteel defeated Andy Culcierto of Beckley, W.Va, 7-5, 6-2 to win the Boys' 18 division at the Van Der Meer Junior tennis tournament held at Sweet Briar College.

Hippensteel, 15, will compete in the U.S.Boys' 16 Clay Court championships later this month in Nashville, Tenn.

Veteran Randy Reeves fired a three-round total of 28-under 80 to edge Danny Dore and Chris Bunting by one shot in the Professional Putters Association Roanoke Open at Putt-Putt Golf and Games course.

Reeves, a 10-year PPA veteran from Montgomery, Ala., has won the tour's past two tournaments. Reeves has won more than $20,000 and is closing in on player-of-the-year honors.

Pre-tournament favorites Barry Wyatt of Martinsville and Mike Brown of Philadelphia shot 88 and 97, respectively, and finished well back in a field of 45 pros. Jerry Mitchell of Roanoke, who some considered a threat, finished 23rd with an 89.

In the Amateur division, Clay Craft of Roanoke shot 20-under 88 to cruise to a 10-shot victory over Joe Gallager and Tim Pennington.


 by CNB