Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 15, 1995                   TAG: 9507170059
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Tidewater paper to cease operation

NORFOLK - The Ledger-Star, a Tidewater afternoon daily newspaper that traces its origins back 119 years, will stop publishing next month, Publisher Frank Batten Jr. announced Friday. The Ledger-Star's last edition will be published Aug. 25.

The news staffs of the Ledger-Star and its sister morning paper, The Virginian-Pilot, were combined in 1982. The newspapers are owned by Landmark Communications Inc., also parent of The Roanoke Times.

- Associated Press


Six bankruptcies with business affiliations have been filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Western Virginia at Roanoke. Four of them are personal bankruptcies that the court listed as businesses because they have commercial connections and could be of interest to business creditors and customers.

JLE Inc. of Bristol filed for liquidation with assets of $1,000 and liabilities of $258,732. It operates Ho Jo Inn and restaurant at Bristol.

Charles M. Davis Jr. of Roanoke, a construction contractor, filed for a wage-earner plan for repayment of debts. He estimated assets and liabilities at less than $50,000 each.

Billy Lynn Cook of Meadowview filed for liquidation with assets of $65,953 and liabilities of $65,672. He is vice president of Cook Brothers Co. Inc., a contractor.

Curtis Edward Cook of Meadowview sought liquidation, listing assets of $64,100 and liabilities of $185,895. He is president of Cook Brothers Co. Inc.

David L. Hale and Marrella S. Hale of Roanoke filed for liquidation with assets of $9,025 and liabilities of $66,854. David Hale does business as Office Helper.

Randall Eugene Robbins of Abingdon, who said he sells cookware, filed for a wage-earner plan for repayment of debts. He estimated assets and liabilities and less than $50,000 each.

Salem Cable TV to get new name

Salem Cable TV, with 12,000 subscribers in Salem and Roanoke County, will change its name on Aug. 1 to Booth Communications, it announced Friday.

The company is owned by Booth American of Detroit. Booth wanted to put its name on its cable companies in connection with a new marketing campaign, which stresses that the companies are in the communication business, said Salem Cable spokeswoman Trudy McNew.

- staff report

 by CNB