Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 20, 1995                   TAG: 9507200003
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


I READ your July 16 article ``Hills can't stand in way of progress.'' The so-called developers have overdeveloped the area now, and that's why Roanoke and surrounding areas continue to have devastating floods.

The Roanoke Valley tries to take enormous amounts of water down one poor little river. Streams from Mason, Peters and Tinker creeks flow south to the river. Streams such as Back Creek, Mudlick, Carvin and possible other creeks flow north into the same poor little river.

I hope these New Century Council ``volunteers'' have a plan to prevent flooding in their asphalt jungles. Do these people, our elected councils and boards of supervisors realize that every inch of rain on one acre of land equals 27,500 gallons of water?

If this bunch sells its asinine plans to local governments, we're really going to be in a heap-big pile of manure.



Dialysis patients aren't homebound

REGARDING THE young lady who had the kidney transplant (July 3 article, ``Brother's unselfish act of giving brings siblings closer''):

It was stated that her life was limited because of the times she had her dialysis, and I feel that will give people facing this type of dialysis a wrong impression.

My husband became a continuous, ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patient in March. Since then, we have made two trips to Maryland, have spent the day at the lake on our boat, worked auctions, and have done quite a few other things that require us to be away from home. Also, we're planning a vacation at the end of summer.

This type of dialysis frees you from a machine three days a week. You put the supplies needed in the car and take off. He's done his in the car and on the boat. Also, you can continue to work if you so desire, depending on the type of job you have.

Of course, it would be nice to have your own kidneys back. The transplant is OK, but my husband is not interested in that alternative at this point.

This type of dialysis is nothing to be afraid of. We have a happy, full life and look forward to more fun times ahead. We just require a little more packing than most people, but not as much as some.



Developer has done much for lake area

REGARDING the July 8 article ``Rocky Mount's snub angers developer'':

I agree with developer Ron Willard that there could be a better site for the YMCA. Location is the key factor in any type of development. I hope that because the land was donated wasn't the main factor in the decision on the proposed site.

Another comment was that ``Town Council's influence was a bulldozer compared to Willard's toy truck.'' That's a pretty bold statement considering what Willard has done for the county and also the town. Having him on any commission, town or county, is a plus.

My wife and I really enjoy visiting the lake because of what it has to offer. It's not just the lake - it's the food, recreation and many more things. Willard has done an incredible job with Smith Mountain Lake, and having him help Rocky Mount would be an honor.



Intellect lacking in religion's leaders

REGARDING Michael Horowitz's July 10 commentary ``Christian minorities facing persecution'':

The commentary discusses human-rights violations by the Islamic fundamentalists against Christians. It's tragic that any group cannot live and let live, but the nature of religion is that I'm right and you're wrong. It's only when superior intellects control the puppet strings of religious zealots that sanity prevails. Sadly, that intellect is being missed in Islamic countries as well as in America today.

When people like the Rev. Jim Bakker can beg for money, laugh at the same time (telling contributors with visual and auditory expressions that it's a joke) and still rake in the money, it's obvious intellect is missing. Then there is Jerry Falwell, smirking and putting down President Clinton when anyone who isn't hiding their eyes can plainly see who is the one with the deception. Old, smirking Falwell has ripped off a great number of sheep.

The Supreme Court has ruled that a Christian cross erected on public property by the Ku Klux Klan as a symbol to promote a Christian government in America is constitutional. This can be construed as the first step in degeneration to the likes of the Islamic fundamentalists who do not tolerate free speech, ideas or other religions.



 by CNB