Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 20, 1995                   TAG: 9507220001
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


EDWARD W. CLARK JR., president of Realty Associates Inc., recently was installed as the 82nd president of the Rotary Club of Roanoke.

Other officers installed were: J. Tyler Pugh, vice president; Susan A. Bulbin, secretary; Karl A. Vandegriff, treasurer; and Stephen B. Murray, sergeant-at-arms.

THE ART MUSEUM OF WESTERN VIRGINIA has named 14 new members to its board of trustees for the 1995-96 year. Those serving their first term are John C. Berry, Cheryl Clark, Stella Cranwell, Dr. Antonio T. Donato, Mary Jo Ferguson, Susan Feinour, Marylen Harmon, Stephen W. Lemon, Betty H. Lesko, Peter B. Milward, Lon Kelly Savage, Ronald B. Smith, Judy Tenzer and Douglas C. Waters.

Those named to a second term are William B. Bales, Timothy A. Kelly, Betty Joyce Preas, Sheila Strauss and Joseph B. Wright.

Rose Marie Jones will represent the Docent Guild while Anne Currin will represent the Junior League. Dean R. Hawks is the Young Art Patrons representative.

RALPH SPANGLER of Roanoke drove into second place in the 1995 American Bus Association International Driving Championship.

His time was just two seconds away from the first place winner. Spangler, who works with Abbott Bus Lines in Roanoke, is a three-time winner.

JERRY HARDESTY, has been elected president of the Roanoke Valley Breakfast Lions Club for the 1995-96 year.

Other officers elected are: Thomas W. Farrell, first vice president; Jim Saunders, second vice president; Don Lancaster, third vice president; Mack Bradley, treasurer; J. J.. Johnson, secretary; Roy Hairston, tail twister; and Becky Shaner, lion tamer.

Bradley also received the A. Melvin Jones award for going above and beyond the call of duty in working with organization. Lawanna Walsh, outgoing president, was named Lion of the Year.

THE ROANOKE BRANCH OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN earned a five-star award during the national convention. Roanoke was one of 411 branches out of 1,750 to earn the award.

The award honors branches that have achieved exemplary progress in membership development, public policy, fund raising, community action and leadership.

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 562, ROANOKE recently presented awards to its members for their contributions to its programs.

Jan Hodnett received the Knight of the Year award. George and Peggy Palmerio were named the Family of the Year for their work with the youth in the council programs. J. Raymond Donnelly received the Grand Knight's award for his contributions as general program director.

 by CNB