Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, July 21, 1995                   TAG: 9507210048
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: BRISTOL                                LENGTH: Medium


Tennessee Gov. Don Sundquist and Virginia Gov. George Allen pledged Thursday to help northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia grow economically.

The two Republicans met with nearly two dozen business and community leaders. It was the first time since 1956 that executives from the two states had met in the city that straddles the state line.

``We have the same kind of conservative leadership and core beliefs,'' Sundquist said. ``As far as I'm concerned, we don't have problems, we have opportunities.''

Bristol, Va., Mayor Jerry Wolfe said the region has been trying to ``put the state line out of the equation.'' But Richmond and Nashville sometimes seem to fear that industrial prospects looking in the area will travel across the state line.

``We don't want the state capitals to withhold prospects from us,'' he said.

Allen admitted that the states sometimes can be competitors, but they also should work together for the whole region.

He said job growth will come also from existing businesses.

``Make sure they're not going off to some other place,'' he said.

``We'll do everything we can together to make sure this area is not slighted,'' Sundquist said.

The governors stressed the importance of work-force training, but a businessman urged them not to get carried away with training for high-tech jobs at the expense of others.

``It's taken us longer to get a plumber at our house than it would to find a surgeon,'' said Frank Leonard, chief executive officer of Line Power.

The governors pledged to get their top tourism and economic development officials together. They also said wildlife officials need to offer reciprocity on fishing licenses so Virginians can fish in South Holston Lake.

Bristol, Tenn., Mayor John Gaines said some progress has been made in lowering barriers to higher education but more needs to be done. Some schools allow students from just across the state line to waive out-of-state tuition.

The governors agreed state legislators need to work on that issue.

 by CNB