Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 26, 1995                   TAG: 9507260023
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Eight chairs, no waiting: The ANNUAL ROCKATHON of the Montgomery County and Radford Retired and Senior Volunteer Program takes on a new look - and a new location - this year. The fund-raising event is set for Friday, Aug. 25, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., on the lawn of the Montgomery County Courthouse.

"We're going to be out under the trees this year," reported Jo Lambert of the RSVP office, who added that this year's rockathon also features "a huge bake sale."

Money raised during the rockathon supports scholarships for area high school students entering the health-care field. Last year, RSVP gave out two $500 awards to graduating seniors.

The rockathon committee has been soliciting donations from area businesses to support the volunteer rockers expected to be on hand.

For more information, call RSVP at 382-5775.

|n n| The Radford Community Hospital Wellness Center, First Street at Memorial Bridge, offers a CHI KUNG MARTIAL ARTS COURSE FOR SENIORS now through Sept. 27. Sessions meet daily, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Chi Kung, an ancient Chinese low-stress exercise regimen, focuses on easing the aging process while enhancing fitness.

For more information, call 639-3241.

|SENIOR| |GATHERINGS| nThursday at the Blacksburg Community Center, 725 Patrick Henry Drive, the News and Views Discussion Group continues its series on public education with "Focus 2006 Goals Update: Community-School Plan for the Future," with James Sellers, Montgomery County Schools' assistant superintendent for instruction. Conversation and coffee begin at 9:30 a.m. The program starts at 10 a.m. Joy Herbert, 961-1134.

nThe Blacksburg Community Band performs at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the gazebo, Bisset Park, Radford. Free. (In case of rain, the concert will be held in Shelter 2.) Blankets or lawn chairs recommended. Mary Jane Harmon, 731-3634.

|SENIOR ACTIVITIES| RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM, 1 Franklin St., Courthouse Annex, Christiansburg. Victoria Scott, 382-5775:

nToday, the Christiansburg morning group works at SHARE at 8 a.m. and has lunch out. The afternoon group visits English Meadow for a birthday party at 1:30 p.m.

nThursday, 8 a.m., the Blacksburg group works at SHARE, Pulaski.

nThursday, 10 a.m., the rockathon committee solicits for the RSVP scholarship program.

nMonday, 9 a.m., the quilters work in the annex.

nMonday, 2 p.m., the Shawsville group visits Heritage Hall.

nTuesday, 10 a.m., the Warm Hearth group cleans up at Pandapas Pond.

nAug. 2, 10 a.m., the Christiansburg morning group visits Heritage Hall.

RADFORD SENIOR CENTER, 27 First St. Mary Jane Harmon, 731-3634:

nFlexible Fitness: The Arthritis Workout is Thursdays, 1 p.m.

nThe walking group meets in the Radford Recreation Department gym Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m. Free. Sneakers only.

GILES COUNTY SENIOR CENTER: 1320 Wenonah Ave., Pearisburg. Betty Letsinger, 921-3924:

nSeniors swim for free every day, 11-11:45 a.m., weather permitting, in the Pearisburg town pool.

nDuring July, the swim therapy program meets Mondays and Thursdays. Transportation leaves the center at 1:15 p.m. for the Blacksburg Aquatic Center.

nThe nutrition program is Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

nBible Study is Tuesdays, 1-2 p.m.

nFlexible Fitness: The Arthritis Workout meets Thursdays, 1-1:30 p.m.

PULASKI SENIOR CENTER, 106 N. Washington Ave. Tina Faiszt, 980-1000:

nThe Dine 'Round Club meets today, 12:30 p.m., at the Elks Club, downtown Pulaski.

nSaturday, travel to Barter Theatre, Abingdon. Transportation leaves the center 9 a.m. with time for lunch buffet at the Martha Washington Inn and browsing at the Virginia Highlands Festival. It's $5 for the play, lunch and transportation.

nA free blood pressure screening is Aug. 3, 10 a.m.-noon.

BLACKSBURG SENIOR PROGRAMS, Blacksburg Community Center, 725 Patrick Henry Drive. Joy Herbert, 961-1134:

n"Sleepless in Seattle" is the movie of the month Monday at noon. A small donation will defray the costs of movie rental and popcorn.

nRegistration ends Monday for the trip Aug. 2 to the Virginia Highlands Festival, Abingdon. It's $3 for transportation. Some events and exhibits charge admission. Transportation leaves at 8 a.m. and returns at 6 p.m.

CHRISTIANSBURG SENIOR CENTER, 655 Montgomery St. Sherry Kostric, 382-8173:

nToday is "Mile High Sundae" day. It's $1, and registration is required.

nFriday, take the breakfast trip to K&W Cafeteria, Roanoke. It's $3 for seniors. Transportation leaves the National Guard Armory, College and Depot streets, at 8 a.m. Shopping at Valley View follows breakfast.

|SENIOR SHORTS| nApple Butter Jamboree: RSVP needs canning jars, rings, lids and sugar for its apple butter jamboree this fall. Call 382-5775 to arrange for pickup. RSVP also needs yard sale items, including glassware, furniture, collectibles, clothing, etc.

nSenior Poetry Contest: Monday is the entry deadline for New River Community College's 17th annual poetry contest for seniors age 60 and older. To be eligible, poems must be original, fewer than 60 lines, and never before published, and participants may submit up to three poems. Submissions go to: Poetry, Arts and Sciences Division, New River Community College, P.O. Box 1127, Dublin, Va. 24084.

Ms. Virginia Senior Citizen Pageant: Candidates have until Tuesday to declare their intentions and pay the $250 entry fee. The third annual pageant is set for Aug. 24-26 at Whitman Auditorium, Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke. Entrants must be at least 55. Dotty Talbott, 674-5534.

nVeterans Administration: A representative visits the Radford Senior Center Tuesday, 9 a.m.-noon. (800) 827-2018.

n1995 Legacy Quilt Show: Applications are available at Christiansburg Senior Center, 655 Montgomery St., and at Christiansburg Parks and Recreation, 95 College St. The show is Sept. 16, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. - during the Wilderness Trail Festival - at the Christiansburg National Guard Armory.

 by CNB