Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 26, 1995                   TAG: 9507260061
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


SPARTANBURG, S.C. - Frank Reich says he hasn't given it a second thought. Jack Trudeau says he's thought about it, but he's not losing any sleep over it. Kerry Collins knows there's not a chance in the world.

At some point this week the Carolina Panthers will name a starting quarterback for Saturday's preseason opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars. It will either be Reich, the former backup with Buffalo, or Trudeau, the 10th-year pro who played for the Jets last season.

Unless something bizarre happens between now and 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Collins, the rookie, will not start.

``I don't see this team having a quarterback controversy,'' coach Dom Capers said Monday.

But there is a quarterback competition. Between now and the fourth preseason game, against San Francisco, the Panthers will settle on a starting quarterback for the season. In the meantime, Capers will name exhibition starters based on performance.

``It's totally open,'' Capers said. ``No one has an edge right now. Both Frank and Jack are experienced veterans. They both have good field presence, which is important at the quarterback position. Kerry's in there competing. Our plan is to bring Kerry along. Our decisions will be based on who gives us the opportunity to win games.

``Things would have to change dramatically for Kerry to start.''

Collins has been anything but dramatic in training camp. The Panthers' top draft pick has thrown as many interceptions as the other two quarterbacks combined, but he has basically reduced No.4 quarterback Jerry Colquitt to a spectator.

The battle is at the top, however, where Reich and Trudeau have been solid in almost every practice. Trudeau has been slightly more impressive directing the first-team offense, which he ran Monday.

The veterans have gone back and forth since camp opened more than a week ago. Reich has shown to be more effective in short-yardage situations. Trudeau, traditionally a great camp and exhibition quarterback, has been far more effective in completing the dramatic passes.

But Trudeau refuses to acknowledge he is looking over his shoulder.

``The competition is Frank and I getting ready to play,'' Trudeau said.

While the bookmakers in Las Vegas already have made the Panthers a 11/2-point favorite for Saturday's Hall of Fame Game in Canton, Ohio, no one is giving odds on who will start at quarterback.

Center Curtis Whitley considers it a dead heat at this point.

``Jack is a little more vocal,'' Whitley said, refusing to judge who has been more effective at leading the team. ``Frank gets straight down to business.''

Capers suggested the Panthers would get down to the business of naming a Hall of Fame starter onight.


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