Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 26, 1995                   TAG: 9507260064
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


WHAT DOES Salem have in common with Denver? Apparently, a team called the ``Avalanche.''

What's in a name?

Plenty when it comes to professional sports franchises. Just ask Sam Lazzaro, the Salem Avalanche's general manager.

Lazzaro was taken by surprise when informed Tuesday the name of the new NHL franchise in Denver likely would be the Rocky Mountain Avalanche. Lazzaro was under the impression that nickname had been spoken for already.

``That the new hockey team is going to be based in the same city as this team's baseball parent, I find it especially ironic,'' he said.

Not that Lazzaro intends to lie down and be swept over by this new rockslide of potentially competing team logo memorabilia.

``We spent a lot of time and money and effort developing a logo,'' Lazzaro said. ``And, obviously, it has caught on with the fans.''

Colorado Rockies logo gear is among the hottest-selling in professional sports. Salem Avalanche logo goods also have been flying out of the ballclub's offices, although not at the same rate as that of the parent team.

That all this could be in jeopardy is doubly ironic to Lazzaro because of the extensive trademark search done by Ben Hayes, a National Association of Professional Baseball Clubs lawyer, before the name ``Avalanche'' was chosen.

``There were a number of names discarded on trademark grounds,'' Lazzaro said.

The Denver Post reported in Tuesday's editions that the NHL franchise, which moved to Denver from Quebec after the 1994-95 season, would make a formal announcement by the end of the week. The Post quoted a source close to COMSAT, which owns the former Quebec Nordiques, as saying the team's owners liked the name because of its logo and marketing possibilities. The team colors will be red and deep blue, and the logo likely will feature a giant ``A'' with mountains behind it.

Lazzaro anticipated asking Hayes and the National Association if anything could be done.

Said Lazzaro: ``I would think there is some protection for us through the copyright and trademark laws.''

 by CNB