Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 29, 1995                   TAG: 9507310126
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The president of a Christian music video network has some advice for parents who would welcome a religious alternative to MTV into their homes: Chill.

The message on the rapidly growing Z Music Television is different, but the musical styles - from rock to rap to heavy metal - have the sound and fury found on other music television networks.

About the only thing that could derail the rapidly growing Nashville-based network is a too vocal parental seal of approval, said its president, Ken Yates.

``What the parents ought to do,'' he said, ``is take a good look at it, realize its content, and then just keep quiet.''

Since its start in 1993, network officials say, Z Music Television has grown to be offered in 17 million cable households and reaches another 13 million households at least part of the day on broadcast stations.

The goal is to reach 30 million cable households alone by 2000, Yates said.

In making its case to cable system operators, Z Music officials portray it as an alternative to the often controversial MTV for the more than 50 million adults who listen to and buy Christian music. What The Nashville Network is to fans of country music, Z Music is for people who enjoy contemporary Christian music, company officials say.

There are no videos by Nine Inch Nails or Snoop Doggy Dogg on Z Music television. Excessive sex or violence are out.

``Any illicit activity, if it's too libertine, we don't put it on the air,'' said Graham Barnard, network programming manager and host of Z Buzz segments featuring artist interviews and news about the Christian music industry.

The hit artists and groups on Z Music are popular Christian performers such as Amy Grant, Petra, DC Talk, Michael W. Smith and Gary Chapman.

And their messages are ones of hope and encouragement, according to Yates.

``The videos that we play on Z have a very high standard, both the visual and lyrical content,'' he said.

But tuning out videos glorifying violence or sex outside of marriage does not mean the music or images have to be dull, network officials say.

Young people turning on Z can hear rap, rock and other contemporary music that appeals to their generation, Barnard said.

One Z Music show that Barnard says should blow away any remaining stereotypes about Christian music is The Brimstone Chronicles. On the show, a long-haired host introduces heavy metal and grunge music from an industrial club set.

``The musicality is right in step with what's going on in the culture,'' Barnard said.

Give young people cool music that is not parent-approved and many will be open to contemporary Christian music, according to Barnard.

Yates said he think the world is little bit better having Z Music as an alternative to MTV.

``Music and television combined is probably the most powerful influence for the minds and hearts of this generation,'' he said.

 by CNB