Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 29, 1995                   TAG: 9507310132
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


This Tuesday, for the eighth consecutive year, drum corps from around the nation will converge on Salem to compete in the Summer Music Games of Southwest Virginia.

The games are one in a series of competitions leading to the world championships. Salem is one of 48 cities chosen by Drum Corps International.

"It's such a unique thing to the Roanoke Valley," said Mary Loritsch, publicity and promotional chairwoman for the Salem Band Boosters, who are acting as host to this year's competition. "It's a big deal that it's here. It's a real neat musical sporting event."

The corps, which may have as many as 128 members, consist of youths ages 16 to 21 who perform while playing bugles and percussion instruments. They compete for points toward placement in the world championships in Buffalo, N.Y., in August. Judging is based on each corps' drills, execution of music, and the musical and visual quality of performance.

In contrast to a school marching band, drum corps use percussion instruments and bugles made specifically for the competition. The performances, each of which lasts 10 1/2 to 11 minutes, showcase precision drills and maneuvers while members play musical selections.

"It is not a halftime show," Loritsch said. "It's like a mini-musical Broadway production."

This year, six teams will compete, including the six-time world champion Cadets of Bergen County from Bergenfield, N.J. Other participating corps include the Madison Scouts of Madison, Wis.; the Crossmen of Cherry Hill, N.J.; the Carolina Crown of Charlotte, N.C.; the Pioneers of Milwaukee; and the Quad City Knights of Rock Island, Ill.

In addition to the band boosters, WDBJ (Channel 7), WFIR and WPVR are the local sponsors.

The games will begin Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Salem Stadium. Reserved-seat tickets are $12 and are available from the Salem Civic Center or Salem Band Boosters, 387-3301.

 by CNB