Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, August 1, 1995                   TAG: 9508010035
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


In a nation hungry for simple nutritional solutions to complex health problems, vitamin E might seem to be a panacea.

Various studies have singled it out as the most promising and possibly the safest antidote to the nation's leading killers, heart disease and cancer. And, while it is protecting coronary arteries against atherosclerosis and DNA against attacks by chemical carcinogens, it may also be keeping normal cells throughout the body from aging prematurely.

But vitamin E, chemically named alpha-tocopherol, does all this and more at levels well above those needed to prevent a nutritional deficiency, levels that render it a drug, not a nutrient.

As a vitamin, it aids in the formation of red blood cells, muscles and other tissues and prevents oxidation of vitamin A and essential fatty acids. At high levels not attainable through diet - 40 times or more the nutritionally needed amount - vitamin E functions as a potent antioxidant.

Well, then, shouldn't everybody take vitamin E supplements? Certainly, most if not all researchers who study it are taking it, but most are not yet willing to tell the general public to do the same. Are these scientists being hypocritical, telling us one thing and doing another?

The answer lies in the difference between advice to an individual and a public health recommendation. When considering an individual like a smoker or someone with high cholesterol, who is known to face an unusually high risk of developing heart disease or cancer, it seems safe to assume that the potential benefits of taking vitamin E would easily outweigh any possible risks. But before advising the public to do the same, public health specialists first insist on proof that the expected benefits for the general population far exceed any possible hazards. And such proof for vitamin E, as for any other nutrient that has lately been touted as a promising preventive or remedy, is still lacking.

What researchers need in order to establish proof is a double-blind controlled clinical trial. This is a study, preferably involving large numbers of people followed for several years, in which the individuals are randomly assigned to take either the substance under study or a look-alike placebo, a study in which the scientists evaluating the effects on participants do not know who is taking what until the study is completed.

Otherwise, it cannot be known whether those who choose to take, say, vitamin E are perhaps different in ways important to health from those who do not. Nor can it be known whether the researchers' evaluations of the results are influenced by their beliefs about the nutrient's benefits or risks.

In the absence of such a study it is impossible to interpret the most recent vitamin E finding: evidence in men with existing heart disease that taking it daily for two years slowed the progress of atherosclerosis.

Another reason for hesitancy is that, while vitamin E in large doses appears to be very safe for most people, no drug lacks side effects. Vitamin E in large doses interferes with blood clotting and can result in bleeding problems in some people. It may also raise blood pressure.

People's habits may increase their need for vitamin E supplements, notes Dr. Mohsen Meydani, an expert in antioxidants at the United States Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University.

For example, vigorous exercise generates free radicals that cause muscle damage, and a study in men by Dr. William J. Evans at Pennsylvania State University found that vitamin E supplements helped protect against such damage. Cigarette smoking exposes the body to many oxidizing substances in tobacco smoke and tar. Air pollution exposes the lungs to oxidizing free radicals. Taking fish oil supplements or consuming a high-fish diet can use up the body's supply of vitamin E. And most vegetable oils and margarine supply the wrong kind of tocopherol and increase the body's need for vitamin E. (Olive oil, in contrast, is rich in the form of tocopherol that is biologically most effective.) Finally, those consuming a very low-fat diet may not come close to meeting the RDA for vitamin E.

\ Potential benefits of Vitamin E

Cardiovascular disease. The strongest evidence for the value of vitamin E supplements concerns the heart. At high levels, vitamin E prevents oxidation of LDL-cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, the so-called bad cholesterol, and as a result curbs its ability to latch onto artery walls and form the artery-clogging plaque of atherosclerosis.

A recent study in healthy men by Dr. Ishwarlal Jialal and colleagues at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas found that a minimum dose of 400 international units of vitamin E a day is needed to counter LDL oxidation. (The Recommended Dietary Allowance is only 8 to 10 international units, and even at this low dose, more than 40 percent of elderly Americans fall dangerously below it.)

Among patients with poor circulation in their legs because of atherosclerosis, those who took a 300-milligram supplement of vitamin E and started an exercise program had a much greater improvement in walking ability than the people who did not get the supplement. After 12 to 18 months of treatment, the researchers measured improved blood flow in those taking vitamin E.

Vitamin E also inhibits clotting and, in one small but well-controlled study of people with vascular disease, vitamin E plus daily aspirin was more effective than aspirin alone in countering heart attacks and strokes.

Cancer. The evidence for vitamin E as an anticancer agent is less compelling. Most of the studies have been conducted in laboratory dishes and animals, and while most have suggested that vitamin E can protect against the initiation and development of cancer, not all have shown a benefit. In studies of animals exposed to cancer-causing substances, vitamin E supplements (sometimes in conjunction with other antioxidants like selenium) inhibited the development of breast cancers in rats, colon and esophageal cancers in mice and oral cancers in hamsters.

Among the studies involving people, several have suggested a potential benefit. For example, patients with cancers of the lung, breast, cervix, mouth and throat, colon, or stomach had significantly lower levels of vitamin E in their blood than in comparable people free of cancer.

Aging and immunity. Damage to body cells by ubiquitous substances called free radicals, which are powerful oxidizing agents, is thought to be a major factor in aging and the decline in immunity with age. By inhibiting the oxidation of fats, vitamin E helps to protect cell membranes against damage from oxidizing agents in the environment and those produced in normal metabolism. Studies in both animals and people - especially elderly people - have shown that supplements of vitamin E can improve immunological responses. In animal studies vitamin E has stopped the development of cataracts, many of which may be caused by sunlight-induced oxidation of fats in the lens.

 by CNB