Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 2, 1995                   TAG: 9509060033
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: DARLINGTON, S.C.                                LENGTH: Medium


Larry Pearson is making a habit of ending long winless streaks at Darlington Raceway.

He won the Grand National race here in the spring for his first victory since 1988. Friday, he won the top starting spot for today's Gatorade 200 for his first pole position since 1988.

Pearson made it around the 1.366-mile oval at 161.429 mph in his Chevrolet Monte Carlo, topping Tim Fedewa, who took the second starting spot at 160.874 mph in a Ford Thunderbird.

``I guess I'm not excited yet because it's been so dadgummed long since I won a pole, I've forgotten what it feels like,'' Pearson said. ``Maybe it's an omen and Darlington will be good to me again.''

Several drivers crashed during practice here Friday, including Elton Sawyer, who smacked the wall in turn 3 about 15 minutes before the end of the pre-qualifying practice session.

Sawyer's team scrambled to prepare his backup car and he just did get it out on the track in time for his qualifying run. He qualified 23rd, just behind his wife, Patty Moise.

ALL OVER?: Rusty Wallace said his dispute with Dale Earnhardt after the Bristol race is history - over and done with.

``They [NASCAR] told us, `You two guys work it out,''' Wallace said. ``We did. It's over.''

But is it?

On Friday, Wallace's Ford Thunderbird sported an Earnhardt `3' decal - with a red slash through the middle of it. The decal had been carefully placed in a rather prominent place just below the ``NASCAR Race Car'' decal just above the right door.

``I never saw it,'' Wallace said.

INGLE LEAVING RUDD: No matter how much success he's had as Ricky Rudd's crew chief, Bill Ingle won't be satisfied until he chases his dream.

Ingle's dream is to drive a race car (or truck), and it is so strong, he told Rudd this week that he won't be returning next year, even though Ingle doesn't yet have any clear-cut driving opportunities.

``If this step doesn't show where my heart really it, I don't know any other way to tell people,'' Ingle said. ``That's what I want to do, and I gotta make it happen.

``I'm 39 years old,'' Ingle said. ``Just picture me as George Foreman. I don't give a damn. If I don't get a ride, I'll get a job. I can always learn how to clean teeth and go work for my wife.''

Ingle's wife, Pat, is one of the leading dentists in Concord, N.C. Rudd said he didn't want to lose Ingle, but decided ``the best thing was to let him have his rope. He really wants to drive a race car. I'm not one to tell him he can't. I've chased a dream all my life and that was his dream from the beginning, too.''

Rudd said he's already begun searching for Ingle's replacement and has already had inquiries.

``I don't think you'll see us go in the toilet'' after Ingle leaves, Rudd said. ``Heck, we're already in the toilet this year compared to last year.''

Ingle's last race was in February, 1988, at Daytona, when he badly broke his leg in a crash during the Grand National event that sidelined him for months and sidetracked his driving career.

BURTON TO ROUSH : Jack Roush this week signed Jeff Burton to drive for him in 1996 - presumably in a third car - but there is still a lot of uncertainty about precisely what's going on.

The team will be based in Charlotte, not at Roush's sprawling facility in Liberty. A sponsor still hasn't been signed, although Roush says he's close.

The rumor mill has Roush signing Exide (Geoff Bodine's current sponsor) or Ford Quality Care (Bud Moore's current sponsor), but he's not commenting on that. He did say: ``It's pretty well set, not for sure, but hopefully it'll be ready by Richmond [next week].''

Roush also hasn't announced a crew chief, although veteran Buddy Parrott reportedly is a leading candidate. Parrott was mum on his future, saying, ``We'll make a later announcement, probably at Richmond.''

Parrott spent part of the day chatting with Bill Davis, who said he's hired Clyde Booth as his new general manager. Booth resigned Wednesday as Darrell Waltrip's general manager.

 by CNB