Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 5, 1995                   TAG: 9509070028
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Looks like Tonya Harding's found a new road to infamy: She's going to sing herself there.

The figure skater involved in the 1994 clubbing of her skating rival, Nancy Kerrigan, got roundly booed in her singing debut over the Labor Day weekend.

Harding was nearly drowned out by loud boos and shouts as she sang with her band, the Golden Blades, which opened for Kool and the Gang at a Sunday fund-raising event in Portland, Ore.

Throughout her three-song, 15-minute set, the booing crowd turned thumbs down and lobbed plastic bottles at the stage. Harding dodged a few and kept singing as she picked one up and waved it in the air.

\ After a whirlwind courtship - six weeks, to be exact - Charlie Sheen has married his sweetheart, model Donna Peele.

Sheen, who turned 30 on his wedding day Sunday, met Peele, 25, while filming a commercial in New York City. It's the first marriage for both.

The couple were married at sunset at the Saddle Rock Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains in California.

Sheen has starred in such films as ``Platoon,'' ``Wall Street'' and ``Hot Shots.'' His latest publicity, however, has been in a courtroom, where he sweated through a videotape he made for a federal jury in the trial of Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss. Sheen admitted ordering Fleiss' call girls at least 27 times.

 by CNB