Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, September 11, 1995                   TAG: 9509110046
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


``Tonight'' host Jay Leno believes not thanking Johnny Carson on his first night out was ``the biggest mistake'' he's ever made.

In an interview that appeared in Sunday's USA Weekend, Leno said his recent success stems from regaining control over his career. He lost control, he said, during his first night as host of ``Tonight'' in May 1992.

His manager, Helen Kushnick, advised him not to thank Carson, he said. Carson had, just the prior Friday, ended his 30-year stint as host.

``It just wasn't my style,'' Leno said of his failure to thank Carson. ``Why wouldn't I thank him. I thank everybody.''

Leno fired his manager within his first year on the job.

The sad life and death of Jessica Savitch was ratings gold for Lifetime.

The cable channel drew its highest ratings ever with its Sept. 4 telecast of an original movie and hourlong documentary on the late NBC newswoman.

``Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story'' averaged a 7.9 rating (percentage of the 62.6 million homes receiving Lifetime), representing about 4.9 million homes.

Lifetime's previous high was a 5.9 rating generated in 1990 by the movie ``Sudie and Simpson,'' which starred Louis Gossett Jr. and Sara Gilbert. In setting the Lifetime record, ``Almost Golden'' also became the second-highest rated movie ever on basic cable. USA's 1990 ``China Lake Murders,'' which aired against a 1990 presidential address broadcast on the networks, drew an 8.4 rating.

You can chalk up the abrupt, midsong ending to last Saturday's 6-hour, 40-minute ``Concert for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame'' on HBO to one thing - human error. ``Honestly, it was a mistake,'' said Joel Gallen, who produced the show.

Gallen said that, while standing alongside the stage during the closing song - Chuck Berry's ``Rock and Roll Music'' - he instructed staffers in the production truck to roll the credits, then wait for a second cue from him before running the logos (for his Tenth Planet Productions, and HBO) and fading to black. The second part of the directive, though, wasn't heard.

The final number was an impromptu finale, Gallen said. Originally, the show was supposed to close on what turned out to be the next-to-last number, ``Dancing in the Streets.'' At the last minute, he decided to rouse Berry, Bruce Springsteen and some others to play ``Rock and Roll Music,'' not even knowing if the stage band knew the tune. ``I knew going in it was a gamble,'' he admitted.

Gallen added, though, that in a nearly seven-hour, live and unrehearsed telecast that featured 40-plus top performers, he's glad the biggest snag was at the end of the show.

``If it would've happened at the beginning of the show, or half-way or three-quarters into it, it would've been a lot worse,'' said Gallen.

CBS is hoping a change of scenery and a different format may help boost the ratings of its perennial third-place breakfast entry, ``CBS This Morning.''

Starting on Oct. 16, the program will emanate from a newly reconstructed studio within the network`s West 57th Street broadcast center and take on a new format.

As it did in May when it moved into the Ed Sullivan Theater for a week, the show will include a mix of segments in its first hour and then devote the second hour to a single topic or interview subject.

The new studio will hold an audience of about 100. The program doesn't have a studio audience now.

First big guest under the new format: Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and potential presidential candidate Colin Powell.

 by CNB