Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 12, 1995                   TAG: 9509120070
DATELINE: GOLDEN VALLEY, MINN.                                LENGTH: Medium


Betty Crocker, the white-bread-and-mayonnaise symbol of middle America, is getting a multi-ethnic makeover.

General Mills Inc. said Monday it will select photos of 75 women - to celebrate the Betty Crocker company's 75th birthday - and digitally ``morph'' them into a new Betty.

Chances are, she won't be the fair-skinned, blue-eyed homemaker whose image has appeared on and off over the years on cookbooks, cake and brownie mixes and Hamburger Helper.

``I guess they want to put some fire under her tail,'' said Lehman Brothers analyst Caroline Levy. ``I think it's a great idea to revitalize the brand.''

The new face, to be unveiled in February, will be the eighth Betty Crocker since the fictional character was created in 1921.

Small changes were made over the years - she smiles in the 1955 portrait and wears a pearl choker in '65 - The latest incarnation, in 1986, wears a red business suit and bow tie.

University of Minnesota marketing professor Akshay Rao said the idea reflects the increasing percentage of minorities in the nation.

``The face of the nation is going to be very different than it was 20 years ago,'' he said. ``If they can identify with the person on the brand better because it looks like them, this is a wise thing to do.''

Quaker Oats Co. has given periodic makeovers to Aunt Jemima, who has slimmed down and become more sophisticated-looking over the years.

General Mills is asking Betty wannabes, between the ages of 18 and 113, to send in their photos along with an essay on how they embody the company ideal of family and community spirit, creativity and interest in cooking. Winners will be chosen on the basis of the best essays.

What if an aspiring Betty happens to have a nose ring, cheek tattoo or lime green mohawk?

``I have no idea what the judges will do, but I don't think there will be a significant number of fringe winners that will affect Betty looking mainstream,'' General Mills spokesman Barry Wegener said.

What about a male version of Betty? Such applications will be read, but ``we are looking for women,'' project manager Cindy Guettler said.

Toni Green, director of marketing for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, wasn't all that impressed with the campaign.

``If I am going to buy cake mix, it doesn't matter if she is white,'' said Green, who is black. ``I think sometimes they overthink these things, and I think there are more pressing issues in the world than trying to get a more politically correct woman.''

To enter, participants must submit a non-returnable photo of themselves; a brief description of how the entrant enjoys cooking and baking, is committed to family and friends, is creative in handling everyday tasks and is involved in the community; and a favorite Betty Crocker product or recipe.

Nominations, postmarked by Oct. 16, should be mailed to the Spirit of Betty Crocker New Portrait Contest, General Mills Inc., P.O. Box 5111, Minneapolis, MN 55460-5111.

 by CNB