Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 12, 1995                   TAG: 9509120085
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                LENGTH: Medium


Richmond automobile dealership executive Daniel B. Wilkins Jr. has been named as executive director of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, an agency that oversees car dealer advertising, licensing and practices in Virginia.

The new board includes two members from the Roanoke Valley.

Wilkins is chief financial officer, secretary and director of The Pearson Cos. Inc., which includes 12 automobile dealerships and six other businesses. He also had been general manager of Capitol Chevrolet Inc. in Richmond.

Richard L. Sharp, chairman of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board's executive search committee, said Wilkins was chosen from among more than 200 applicants.

"Our goal was to select a candidate that possessed extensive managerial experience and knowledge of dealer practices," Sharp said. "Wilkins was an ideal candidate because of his combined business and dealer experience."

Richard Holcomb, Department of Motor Vehicles commissioner and chairman of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, agreed.

"Wilkins' experience in both the public and private sectors will assist the board in developing a partnership between state government and the dealer industry," Holcomb said.

The General Assembly created the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board to take over many regulatory functions previously handled by the state Department of Motor Vehicles. The idea was proposed by Gov. George Allen's government reform task force.

The 19-member board is dominated by car dealers. Consumer advocates including the Virginia Citizens Consumer Council fought legislation establishing the board, arguing that auto dealers should not be trusted to regulate themselves.

By appointing a member of the automobile industry - and not a consumer - as executive director, the board missed an opportunity to change its public image, said Jean Ann Fox, president of the VCCC.

But Margo Clarke, a director of the Urban League in Richmond and the board's sole private consumer member, said that she is confident Wilkins can represent both industry and consumer concerns.

"We felt that he had the knowledge, skills and ability to handle it," said Clarke, who served on the executive search committee.

Leo Trenor, president of Anchor Sales and Service in Roanoke, also was on the committee that chose Wilkins as well as a member of the new board.

"He's a very intelligent person," Trenor said. "He's got the qualities to carry forth the wheels of the board. I feel that consumers are going to get a fair shake.

Art Heberer III, president of Import Auto Recycling Inc. in Salem, is the other Roanoke-area board member.

 by CNB