Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 20, 1995                   TAG: 9509200040
DATELINE: FLOYD                                LENGTH: Medium


The Floyd County Board of Supervisors has accepted the resignation of Randy Arno, the county's administrator for nearly a decade.

Arno will take a position in Danville as director of the Southside branch of the University of Virginia's Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service. The branch, funded by the E. Stuart James Grant Charitable Trust and a matching appropriation from the Virginia General Assembly, will be located at Danville Community College. It will open next month.

The Cooper Center provides a wide range of research and technical services to state and local governments and the business community. It works to solve local and regional problems through a variety of special consulting programs, leadership development, training and workshops for government leaders.

In addition to its main office in Charlottesville, the Cooper Center has offices in Richmond and Wise County.

"We received notification yesterday," said Jerry W. Boothe, chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

A decision has yet to be made on Arno's replacement - long-term or temporary. Boothe said that will come later, and that Arno will not leave until the middle or end of October. The job requires "a very special person with knowledge, intelligence and grit," board members said in a news release Tuesday.

Arno was out of the office Tuesday and could not be reached for comment.

Arno came to Floyd in 1989 after 21/2 years as Tazewell County's administrator. He is stepping down after eight years and moving onto the job in Danville where he can apply what he has learned over the last 25 years as an executive in six local governments in Virginia and Nebraska, according to an announcement from the Cooper Center.

During Arno's tenure in Floyd, the county struggled with solid-waste and environmental issues. A pristine, rural county that needs more jobs, Floyd is settled by some citizens who want industry and others who want to protect the environment. It is a difficult balancing act.

Recently, the county instituted new trash fees under Arno. In the past few weeks, an anonymous petition was circulated, asking that Arno be removed from office.

Arno has had broad experience in dealing with the opportunities and needs facing southern Virginia. In accepting his resignation, the Floyd County Board of Supervisors thanked him for "his eight years of dedication, loyalty and hard work for Floyd County."

 by CNB