Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 21, 1995                   TAG: 9509210049
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: BEDFORD                                LENGTH: Medium


A 9-year-old girl told police that she was playing outside on a June evening with her cousins when Calvin McDaniel Snead invited her to join him for a bicycle ride.

They went to the store, then to the park.

Snead, 27, of Bedford, then forced her into the woods, where he attempted to rape and sodomize her.

Those were the essential facts that led Snead to plead guilty Wednesday to abducting the girl with an intent to defile. He also pleaded guilty to attempted rape and attempted sodomy.

Bedford County Circuit Judge William Sweeney delayed sentencing until a background report on Snead can be completed.

Authorities provided Sweeney with a summary of the case against Snead:

It was about 7 p.m. on June 7 when Snead approached the girl in her yard and asked her to go to the store with him.

A Bedford police officer remembers spotting Snead riding on a bike with a young girl that evening.

After the trip to the store, Snead asked the girl if she wanted to go to the park. They then rode the bicycle to a wooded area near the Bedford Science and Technology Center.

The girl told police that Snead pulled her into the woods and put his hand over her mouth. She said she was having difficulty breathing because of her asthma.

Snead, who had been drinking, ordered her to take off her clothing. She wanted to scream but she was afraid that if she did, he would once again clamp his hand across her mouth.

The girl told police that Snead took off his clothes and attempted to rape and sodomize her. A doctor at Bedford County Memorial Hospital later examined the girl and found she had injuries consistent with a sexual assault.

The girl's mother notified police after learning of the attack.

 by CNB