Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 21, 1995                   TAG: 9509210092
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


William A. Irvin III has won the backing of a Roanoke County teachers group in his race for the Cave Spring District seat on the county School Board.

The Political Action Committee of the Roanoke County Education Association voted Monday to support Irvin in the three-way Cave Spring contest.

Irvin, an insurance salesman with Equitable Life, has served on several school committees in recent years and worked on the six-year plan for the county schools.

The other candidates in the Cave Spring District are Vern Jordahl, a professor at the College of Health Sciences, and Carol White, a medical technologist and school volunteer.

The teachers' political action committee voted earlier to support Marion Roark in the Catawba District, but it decided then not to endorse anyone in the Cave Spring race.

As a board member, Irvin said he would try to get the views of school administrators, teachers, parents and students on issues.

Roark, president of a computer software business, is running in a three-way contest in the Catawba District. Her opponents are William Brown Jr., owner of a rental center, and John Reed, retired owner of a copy center.

All of the school board candidates are running as independents. State law prohibits them from running on party tickets.

Where the money's coming from

This is the first in a series of reports on who are the big financial donors to some of the General Assembly campaigns in our regions:


For the House of Delegates seat that covers western Bedford County, a swath of Roanoke County from Clearbrook to Vinton to Hollins to Glenvar to Catawba, southern Botetourt County and Craig County.

Richard Cranwell (D)

Amount raised through Aug. 31: $87,619

Cranwell's top contributors

1. Randall Frazier, Salem, computer equipment$5,000

2. Cranwell & Moore, Vinton, law firm$4,000*

3. Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Richmond$3,500

4. Beverly Armstrong, Richmond, bowling ball equipment$3,000

5. Commonwealth Victory Fund, Richmond, Democratic Party fund$2,685

Trixie Averill (R)

Amount raised through Aug. 31: $117,426

Averill's top contributors

1. Edward Via, Roanoke, publisher$25,000

Peter Via, Roanoke, investor$25,000

3. Virginians for a Republican Majority, McLean$3,500

4. D.J. Cooper, Bent Mountain, carpenter$2,000

5. Russell Duncan, Salem, Ditch Witch president$1,350


For the House of Delegates seat that covers Northwest Roanoke, South Roanoke, Southwest Roanoke and six precincts in the Cave Spring-Hunting Hills section of Roanoke County: O

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D)

Amount raised through Aug. 31: $107,256

Woodrum's top contributors:

1. Clifton "Chip" Woodrum, Roanoke, candidate$25,000*

2. Elbert Waldron, Roanoke, developer$7,500

3. Virginia Medical PAC, Richmond$3,415**

4. Commonwealth Victory Fund, Richmond, Democratic Party fund$2,685

5. 20 contributors have given $1,000 each.

Newell Falkinburg (R)

Amount raised through Aug. 31: $135,544

Falkinburg's top contributors:

1. Edward Via, Roanoke, publisher$25,000

Peter Via, Roanoke, investor$25,000

3. Newell Falkinburg, Roanoke, candidate$22,381*

4. Dialysis Resources Inc., Roanoke$11,000

5. Jackson Ballenger, Roanoke, physician$10,000


**In-kind contribution

Staff writers Dwayne Yancey and Leslie Taylor contributed to this report.


 by CNB