Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 23, 1995                   TAG: 9509230004
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Although textbooks are free now, students must pay a host of other fees during the school year.

The rental fee for hallway lockers, for example, can range from $2 to $5. Gym suits are about $9. Towels are between $2 and $5.

Students also must pay a parking fee of up to $6.50 if they drive to school.

If they take driver education, there is another fee - $100 in Roanoke schools and $75 in Salem and Roanoke County.

At some Roanoke Valley high schools, students also must pay class dues - ranging from $20 to $30 - to cover mailings, proms, and caps and gowns.

If students join clubs, they have to pay dues, which can be up to $10. And in some courses, they have to pay for workbooks, which can cost from $8 to $10.

When the General Assembly mandated an end to textbook rental fees last year, it eased, but did not end, the financial burden on parents, especially those who have several children in school.

Textbook rentals in Western Virginia had ranged from $14 to $35 a year, depending on the school division and grade level.

When the legislature eliminated textbook rental fees, it agreed to help share the cost of the books. But the state pays less than half the cost for many school divisions.

Roanoke spent $727,000 on textbooks during the past school year and received $318,000 from the state. Roanoke County's cost was $695,000, and the state reimbursement was $340,000.

Salem spent $182,500 and received $88,780 from the state.

The state shares the textbook costs on the basis of the wealth and financial capability of localities.

The opening of school brings complaints about the high cost of fees and the financial burden on some families.

School administrators said they are sensitive to the issue, but fees are necessary to cover the schools' costs.

"The money from the fees remains at the individual schools to cover their costs," said Richard Kelley, assistant superintendent for operations for Roanoke schools. "The funds are not received by the School Board and do not go into the school budget."

In Roanoke County, the School Board discourages fees.

"We realize the impact of fees on families and try to minimize them," said Marty Robison, executive assistant for county schools.

Assistant Superintendent Michael Bryant said Salem schools have only a few fees and none exceeds $10, except driver education.

In Roanoke high schools, there are class dues to cover the cost of activities, mailings and other expenses. Senior class dues of $30 include the class gift, activities, cap, gown and mailings.

The dues for the freshman, sophomore and junior classes are $20 and cover class activities and mailings. The high schools also have rental fees for gym suits and towels.

Kelley said Patrick Henry and William Fleming have the same fees for most items, but the charges for club memberships or other individual items may vary.

In Roanoke County, individual schools can set fees, but they can charge only the actual cost of materials or equipment, Robison said.

All of the proceeds may be used only for student needs during the year in which they are collected.

In Salem, there are no class dues in high school, but students must pay a $10 activities fee that covers publications, mailings and related expenses. Salem students also must pay a $5 locker rental fee, $5 towel fee and $5 parking charge if they bring a car to school.

 by CNB