Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 23, 1995                   TAG: 9509250030
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Va. counting lots of chickens

Poultry continues to rule the roost in Virginia agriculture, the Virginia Agricultural Statistics Service said this week.

The agency reported that 1994 figures show that broilers continue to be the state's leading farm product, with $397.9 million in cash receipts. Combined with receipts from turkeys and the egg industry, Virginia's poultry industry generated sales of $639.3 million last year.

In the No.2 spot behind broilers was the Virginia cattle industry, with sales of cattle and calves of $294.5 million in 1994. Milk remained third, with sales of $272.3 million.

Tobacco, with sales of $168.6 million, lost its fourth-place spot to turkeys, with sales of $171.9 million. Peanuts and hogs, two products traditionally associated with Virginia, came in eighth and ninth.

- Staff report

Federal deficit looks for 4th fall

WASHINGTON - With a month remaining in the federal government's fiscal year, the federal deficit was $171.1 billion and on track to decline for the fourth straight year.

The Treasury Department said Friday that through Aug. 31 the deficit was $36.3 billion less than for the same 11-month period the previous year.

Moreover, total red ink for the full fiscal year is expected to shrink in next month's report because tax receipts normally exceed spending in September. For example, the deficit was $207.4 billion for the first 11 months of fiscal 1994 and $203.3 billion for the full year.

- Associated Press

Bell Atlantic to light a candle

Bell Atlantic announced Friday that it had launched a program with the Library of Congress to create a digital library that would make priceless books, documents, records, videos and photographs available over the Internet.

The Philadelphia-based regional telephone company donated $1.5 million to begin Project Candle, which will make the library's online collections available to teachers and students.

- Associated Press


Three bankruptcies with business affiliations have been filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Western Virginia at Roanoke. Two of them are personal bankruptcies that the court listed as businesses because they have commercial connections and could be of interest to business creditors and customers.

Stonegate Limited Partnership, which leases 36 low-income apartments at Pennington Gap, filed a petition for reorganization and protection from creditors. The general partner, Lynda Hall Morran, said the partnership had assets of $1,510,264 and liabilities of $1,304,894.

James Byron Deverin of Blacksburg, a tree farmer who operates Blue Ridge Custom Digging at Floyd, filed for liquidation. He had assets of $480 and liabilities of $21,713.

Judith W. Ballance of Bristol filed for liquidation with assets of $16,420 and liabilities of $21,783. She had an interest in Web Products Corp. of Virginia Beach.

 by CNB