Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 26, 1995                   TAG: 9509260033
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Several area high school seniors have been recognized as semifinalists in the 41st annual National Merit Scholarship Program. The students are among some 15,000 seniors across the country to be considered for merit scholarships.

These students are the highest scorers in Virginia and are designated semifinalists in numbers representing about one-half of 1percent of the state's high school graduating class. Juniors who took the 1994 preliminary SAT-National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test were entered in the competition.

To be considered for the merit scholarship awards, semifinalists must advance to the finalist level of the competition by fulfilling additional requirements, including having an outstanding academic record, being endorsed by the high school principal and submitting SAT scores to confirm the student's earlier standardized test performance.

Following is a list of the students and schools:

Blacksburg High

Eric Chen, Evan Greenberg, Adeel Kaiser, Stephanie Kraige, William Lee, Holly Moyer, Amanda Ryan, William Sanders and Rebecca Winfrey.

Dayspring Christian

Ryan Ragsdale

Floyd County High

Jessica Martinkosky

Radford High

Scott Turner

Twenty-eight students from Blacksburg High School have received recognition by the College Board for their exceptional achievement on college-level Advanced Placement examinations. Students who complete college-level courses at their high school are eligible to take AP exams, which are graded on a 5-point scale [5 being the highest]. Students who receive grades of 3 or higher can qualify for college credit.

Following is a list of the awards, with descriptions, and the names of the students.

AP Scholar with Distinction Award, given to students who earn grades of 3 or higher on five or more AP exams, with an average grade of at least 3.5: Aliah Carolan, Basak Caruh, Isak Robinson-Gilden and Kaiser.

AP Scholar with Honor Award, given to students who earn grades of 3 or higher on four or more AP exams, with an average grade of at least 3.25: Nahla Durrani, Michelle Eden, Mark Hobeika, Eleanor Lee, Colleen Shea and Chen.

AP Scholar Award, given to students who complete three of more AP exams with grades of 3 or higher: Matthew Belay, Betina Chan, Michael Diz, Jennifer Donohue, Anna George, Evan Greenberg, Harvey Hincker, Alistair Kok, Kerry O'Rourke, Ahmad Ragab, Rahseq Rahman, Ronald Secrist, Joanna Seitz, Shonali Shome, Laura Snider, Paul Stromberg and Lee.

Marjana Borojevic is commended posthumously for achieving an AP Scholar Award.

Several cadets from Radford University's Reserve Officer Training Corps visited fifth-grade students at Bethel Elementary School on Sept. 5.

The cadets discussed the proper techniques associated with the handling, raising and lowering of the American and Virginia flags. Each week, four of the 31 fifth-graders are responsible for the raising and lowering of the flags.

The students also were taught the meaning and significance of the colors on the American flag and the proper way to fold the flags.


More than 900 students are expected to participate at the fourth annual Blue Demon Classic at Christiansburg High School on Saturday, Sept. 30. Local high school bands, as well as bands from Danville and Bristol, will perform in the marching band exhibition. The first band performs at 11 a.m.

The Blue Demon Band will perform in exhibition at the end of the competition. The awards ceremony will be at 3:30 p.m.

The event is sponsored by the Blue Demon Band Boosters. Admission is $4 for adults and $2 for students and senior citizens. Children under 12 are admitted free. Food and beverages will be sold at the event. Programs are included in the cost.

Auburn High School's Eagle Pride plays host to the second annual Home Party Extravaganza on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the school's cafeteria.

The fund-raiser will feature many favorite home party products, including Tupperware, Discovery Toys, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Longaberger baskets, Princess House and Contempo Fashions.

Money raised will go toward the Eagle Pride PTSA.

It's back-to-school night tonight at Radford High School. From 7 to 8, parents can follow their children's schedules, meet their teachers and learn about classroom expectations.

There will be an open house at Dalton Intermediate School Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Parents can follow their children's schedule of classes and meet teachers.

 by CNB