Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 27, 1995                   TAG: 9509270052
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


National Business College will be allowed to participate in ``college day'' at Dabney Lancaster Community College in Clifton Forge today after all.

And the Salem-based school might also get to join in a similar recruiting event Friday at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke to which it was refused an invitation earlier.

A newspaper story Tuesday about NBC's complaint to Gov. George Allen about being barred from college days at the two community colleges brought a quick reaction.

Philip Breeze, NBC's director of marketing, said a Dabney Lancaster official called and invited the school to take part in college day.

``We were happy to accept, and we plan to be there [today],'' Breeze said.

At the college days, colleges and universities have exhibits and provide information about their programs. Similar events are held at many high schools.

Robert Goralewicz, director of student services at Dabney Lancaster, would not discuss the school's decision; other officials could not be reached for comment.

Breeze said there were conversations Tuesday between Virginia Western and NBC officials about the college day.

``We were left with the impression that this will be resolved,'' Breeze said, but it had not been settled late Tuesday.

Gordon Hancock, coordinator of admissions and records at Virginia Western, was out of town much of Tuesday. Hancock, who arranges the event, said Tuesday evening that he did not have the opportunity to talk with either Virginia Western or NBC officials during the day.

Virginia Western officials said earlier that NBC was excluded mainly for space reasons.

State Secretary of Education Beverly Sgro said Monday that the Allen administration would look into NBC's complaint.

NBC has participated in college days at more than a half-dozen community colleges.

The events have been held for several years, but NBC officials said they have never been allowed to participate at Dabney Lancaster and Virginia Western.

 by CNB