Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 28, 1995                   TAG: 9509280007
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Rule number 9 in the Official Newspaper of Rising Star 4 addresses weapons policy during the group's annual science-fiction convention. Simulated fights or dueling is frowned on. Blade weapons are fine, as long as they are sheathed and peace bonded. Phasers and blasters are a no-no.

It seems some sci-fi fans take their fantasies very seriously.

Those costumed conventioneers will be at it again Friday as the 20th Rising Star 4 convention (formerly RoVaCon) begins at Glenvar High School.

Rising Star 4's goal is to bring together the best of two worlds: media and literature dealing with science fiction. Their approach combines the celebrity angle - television and movie stars; the arts angle - a short-film festival, an art show, workshops; and the slightly silly angle - a convention tradition, the Costume Call.

This year's seminar highlights include ``Creativity and Social Responsibility.'' This panel discussion examines the link between authentic technological novels and the education of terrorists. For example, the ramming of the White House by a small plane was very similar to the climax in Tom Clancy's ``Debt of Honor.''

Techies can attend the ``Computer Generated Special Effects'' workshop, which will discuss the new art form and cover the basics of 3-D animation.

``Babylon 5'' star Richard Biggs and Patty Yasutake of ``Star Trek: The Next Generation'' will make appearances, as will various other actors who gained fame in "Star Trek" movies and science fiction television series.

For attendees who hear their muse calling, Rising Star 4 has a selection of workshops including sessions on creative writing, arts (led by Mary Hanson-Roberts), ``Action Acting'' with Spice Williams and "civilized drama" with casting director Beverly McDermott. Screenwriting and model-building sessions also are planned.

Regulars of the convention probably have their costumes fitted, pressed and ready to go by now, but newcomers can look forward to watching the costume gala on Saturday night with a full stage and theater lighting.

To ensure that attendees survive the convention, the Rising Star 4 newpaper provides helpful hints: Drink lots of water, to avoid dehydration and fatigue. Don't use lunch money to buy that last booster pack. Get some sleep, so you don't plaster yourself to a bridge abutment on the drive home.

The Rising Star 4 convention runs through Sunday. For more information, call 389-9400.

 by CNB