Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 28, 1995                   TAG: 9509280046
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: MOSCOW                                LENGTH: Short


DAVID DUKE and the Russian ultranationalist have hit it off. "We're nationalists," Duke said.

It's a mutual admiration society: David Duke, a former Klan leader, and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Russia's most strident ultranationalist.

``Zhirinovsky once called me his favorite American politician,'' Duke said Wednesday. He laughed. ``I don't know if it's a compliment or not.''

The Louisiana Republican said he met with Zhirinovsky for more than an hour Tuesday. He said they have a lot in common.

``We're nationalists,'' he said. ``And Zhirinovsky is very protective of what you might call the white race.''

Duke came to Moscow seeking help for a Louisiana missionary, Charles Songe, who is in trouble with provincial Russian authorities for alleged currency violations. He has been under house arrest since May in Saransk, Russia.

``Zhirinovsky promised to do everything in his power to help,'' Duke said.

Songe apparently didn't appreciate Duke's effort.

``He's frankly worried to death about it,'' said Ken Johnson, a spokesman for Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., who is working to obtain Songe's release.

Johnson said he called Songe to tell him about Duke's presence.

``We are well on our way to resolving this matter diplomatically. The last thing we need is for a cowboy to get involved,'' Johnson said Wednesday.

``If David Duke messes this up, then maybe our next offer will be a prisoner exchange - Duke for Songe.''

 by CNB