Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, September 29, 1995                   TAG: 9509290097
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Finally - a contest that doesn't depend on how much your parents spent on you for orthodonture or on how lovely you are in latex.

All you need is ``wit, inner beauty, an unusual costume and some dubious talent,'' according to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, sponsors of the event. How refreshing!

Not so - refreshing, that is. We're talking about the royal titles of Garlic King and Garlic Queen, to be conferred Oct. 14 and 15 at the 5th Annual Virginia Garlic Festival at Rebec Vineyards in Amherst County.

Should be a scent-ual experience. And you don't have to be Italian to enter.

The winners will receive $150 and, as a garlic industry representative for a year, the opportunity to talk about this smelly seasoning - assuming anybody wants to get close enough to listen.

If being part of the aromatic aristocracy isn't for you, there's still time to train for the garlic-eating contests. Bite, chew, and PHEW! A good rubdown with a Certs should help your oral cavity cool down afterwards.

And pray the doorbell doesn't ring during one of your practice workouts.

Need directions? Just follow your nose. If your nasal passages are blocked, you can call (804) 946-5168.

We can only imagine the idyllic setting for the festival - grapes ripening on meandering vines, sparkling wines, tantalizing tastings. So lovely it will take your breath away. Which might be a good idea.

 by CNB