Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 30, 1995                   TAG: 9510020088
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE ACTIONS of police officers come under intense scrutiny and, considering the power the public entrusts to them, this is appropriate. When they misuse their authority (the letters L, A, P and D come to mind), the consequences can be disastrous for an entire community.

But the quick action of Roanoke Officer Larry Martin in rescuing 68-year-old Marie Brown from her burning car Thursday should remind us that it is equally necessary to recognize and commend the courage and good sense required routinely to do this job well. And far more often than not, the job is done well.

THIS WEEK'S signing ceremony at the White House, marking a new phase in the developing accord between Israelis and Palestinians, was another reminder of the Middle East's capacity for miracles. Israeli leader Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat deserve great credit not only for finding common ground in very difficult negotiations, but also for courageously resisting extremists on both sides who would do almost anything to sabotage the peace effort.

With the latest agreement, Palestinians move a step closer to self-rule. Israelis move a step closer to relieving themselves of the burden of having to occupy and oppress, never a sustainable route to security.

Even more difficult issues, such as the status of Jerusalem and the fates of settlers and refugees, remain to be negotiated. But extending Palestinian autonomy to major population centers in the West Bank, while keeping Jewish settlements under the protection of Israeli arms, is nonetheless a big step. Only a short while ago, few could have imagined this much progress was possible.

 by CNB